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Title : SciBooNE -- Experimental study of neutrino cross-sections for a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment and the development of the detectors.

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Presentation on theme: "Title : SciBooNE -- Experimental study of neutrino cross-sections for a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment and the development of the detectors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title : SciBooNE -- Experimental study of neutrino cross-sections for a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment and the development of the detectors -- Name: NAKAYA Tsuyoshi Institutions: Kyoto University

2 Outline Precision study of neutrino cross sections for T2K.
Decay region 50 m MiniBooNE Detector SciBar MiniBooNE beamline 100 m 440 m Precision study of neutrino cross sections for T2K. Anti-neutrinos Unexplored physics territory and important for CP study in T2K-II. MiniBooNE near detector. K2K-SciBar + FNAL-BNB Well developed Detector Most intense low energy neutrino beam.   En (GeV) T2K K2K SciBooNE Flux (normalized by area)

3 Purpose Improved measurements of neutrino and anti-neutrino cross sections for T2K and a future n oscillation experiment of CP violation study  n s sections Measurements CC-1p cross section CCQE s,MA measurement NC p0 measurement Search for CC coherent p Search for NC coherent p0 Search for radiative Delta decay (n+Nm+N’+g) Intrinsic ne flux for BNB (nmne appearance search) Un-oscillated Fns for BNB (nmnm disappearance search) To be improved

4 Methods n SciBar Detector EM calorimeter Extruded
scintillator (15t) EM calorimeter Using the High Resolution Full-Active Fine-Grained neutrino detector ➩ K2K SciBar Combination with the high intensity low energy neutrino beam. ➩ Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beams (BNB) ➩ Advantages Well Developed Detector Well Established and High Intensity Neutrino Beam 3m n Multi-anode PMT (64 ch.) 3m 1.7m Wave-length shifting fiber

5 Contribution of Japan and U.S.
From Japan: Neutrino Detectors SciBar detector Construction of muon detector DAQ Analysis computing system From U.S.: Experimental Facility Neutrino Beam A part of neutrino detectors Construction of muon detector.

6 State of Implementation
December 2005: PAC approval May 2007: The detector construction finished. June 2007: The bema data taking start August 2008: The data taking finished. November 2008: The first physics result was submitted to PRD. # protons for n and anti-n n event rate at SciBar n anti-n anti-n

7 Research Highlight Study of charged current (CC) p production
Serious background for nm➝ nm oscillation study in T2K Search for CC coherent p production on carbon. Submitted to PRD. Hep-ex/ Study of Neutral Current (NC) p0 production Serious background for nm➝ ne oscillation search in T2K

8 Future Prospects A short baseline neutrino oscillation search with the MiniBooNE detector. CC-1p0 measurements CC-QE measurements NC elastic measurements Precision measurements of anti-neutrino cross sections for an experiment of neutrino CP violation. Many valuable inputs to T2K

9 Number of Participants
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 日本 (  ) 11 ( 5 ) 17 (10) 米国 16 (2) 21 (   ):Graduate Students

10 Number of Persons Acquiring Doctor Degree from FY1979 to FY2007
Teacher Postdoctoral Fellow Company      ( 0 ) (   ):from FY2003 to FY2007

11 Number of Presentations from FY1979 to FY2007
Refereed Papers International Conference          (  0  ) 9          ( 9 ) (   ):from FY2003 to FY2007

12 Number of Academic Dissertation from FY2003 to FY2007
Doctor Master

13 Number of Citations from FY1979 to FY2007 (Only Referee Reading)
Average Over 50 From 20 to 49       ( 0 ) (   ):from FY2003 to FY2007

14 Research Papers Cited over 100 Times
Not yet. The experiment just started June 2007.

15 Other Important Research Papers (within five titles)
Not yet.

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