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Data Visualizations Working Group

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Presentation on theme: "Data Visualizations Working Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Visualizations Working Group
Advancing clinical review through emerging technologies and trends in data graphics March 20th, 2017

2 DV 2017 Focus Areas Interactive visualizations for processes, reports, and clinical submissions Emerging trends and innovative approaches to patient profiles Collaboration with other PhUSE working groups, industry groups, and our FDA colleagues

3 Data Visualization WG Collaborations
PhUSE Working Groups Code Sharing and Standards Industry Groups CTTI Transcelerate CTSpedia ASA Safety Monitoring WG Etc… FDA

4 Interactive Analysis Approach Leveraging data visualization approach for clinical data analysis and submission Goals of potential proof-of-concept collaboration: Sponsor and the Agency will collaborate and evaluate the feasibility and benefits of an interactive approach from regulatory perspective Explore solutions to some challenges facing interactive analysis The project objective is to send an interactive analysis package in addition to the standard package for a regulatory task that a sponsor is required to fulfill, such as response to Health Authority safety inquiry and safety reporting.

5 Patient Profiles Analysis White Paper
Goals of White Paper Conduct an updated analysis of the operational uses and approaches to creating patient profiles Review how technology, regulations, and processes have evolved over the past 5 years Identify emerging trends and innovative approaches to patient profiles

6 Data Visualizations Agenda: MONDAY
1:00pm - 1:15pm: Introductions & DV WG Objectives 1:15pm - 2:30pm: Interactive Analysis tool for Submissions POC with FDA 2:30pm - 3:30pm: Patient Profiles Analysis of Approaches discussion 3:30pm - 4:30pm: Development of Novel Analyses and Visualizations for Clinical Trial Review that Enhance Comprehension of Information (Analytic Visualization discussion)

7 Data Visualizations Agenda: TUESDAY
8:30am - 9:30am: Collaboration Meeting with Code Sharing Working group 9:30am - 10:30am: Recap of the Code Sharing using GitHub workshop session for the team and discuss examples in more detail 10:30am - 12pm: Poster discussion & continuation of project work

8 Come join us! Thank you!

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