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Warm- Ups English 11 CP Quarter 1.

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1 Warm- Ups English 11 CP Quarter 1

2 Tuesday, August 19th Describe the most humiliating experience in high school ½ page

3 Wednesday, August 20th Brochure selling Liberty

4 Thursday, August 21st Going back to the Writing Territories list from yesterday, explain and describe one of your childhood smells, or tastes. Be descriptive of the memory and the events surrounding it. We should feel like we share the memory with you. ½ page

5 Friday, August 22nd King Arthur of the Round Table is a heroic figure of English Legend. Arthur and his knights were said to live by a set of beliefs known as the Code of Chivalry. A few rules of the code include: Live one’s life so that it is worthy of respect and honor Live for freedom, justice, and all that is good Be polite and attentive Never betray a confidence or a comrade Protect the innocent Come up with a modern Code of Chivalry. Write a list of at least ten things people should do today to make modern society more chivalrous- that is, more considerate and courteous.

6 Monday, August 25th SSR Or you if you don’t have a book yet: write about what you learned last week in any of your classes ONE PAGE …hopefully one thing is to get an SSR book!

7 Tuesday, August 26th SSR Or you may QUIETLY finish your comp book cover (last time I will give you class time)

8 Wednesday, August 27th SSR

9 Thursday, August 28th SSR

10 Friday, August 29th Imagine you are moving to a foreign country and won’t see you friends and family for many years. Write a letter to a friend or sibling, giving some words of wisdom and explaining how you would have done certain things differently. ½ page

11 Tuesday, September 2nd SSR

12 Wednesday, September 3rd

13 Thursday, September 4th SSR

14 Friday, September 5th The former middleweight boxing champion, Sugar Ray Leonard, once wrote of his success, “What helped me develop my quickness was fear. I think the rougher the opponent, the quicker I am.” Freewrite in your writer’s notebook about an incident in your own life when fear or anxiety motivated you to take action, make a change, or try harder at something. 1/2 page

15 Monday, September 8th Today is college day. In your writer’s notebook, write about what you want to do after high school. Do you want to go to college? If so, where? Why? What is special about that school? If not, what are your plans? Travel? Trade school? Family? Describe your hopes after college.

16 Tuesday, September 9th SSR

17 Wednesday, September 10th

18 Thursday, September 22th SSR

19 Friday, September 12th Freewrite in your writer’s notebook about a time when you thought you might be in trouble and you lied to avoid it. What were you potentially in trouble for? What lie did you use to avoid it? The outcome? Did the lie get you into more trouble than would have been before? 3/4 page

20 Monday, September 15th Many names have special meaning or history. For example, the name Hannah means “favor” or “graceful”. The name Vito means “life”. Write about your own name, Who named you? What does your name mean? Does it have special ethnic or religious significance? Are you named after someone in your family? If you could change your name, would you? ½ page (you are welcome to look up your name on your phone)

21 Tuesday, September 16th SSR

22 Wednesday, September 17th

23 Thursday, September 18th SSR

24 Friday, September 19th Think of a time when you made a choice that you later regretted. Did the choice put you in way over your head? Was the outcome not what you expected? If you could go back, would you make a different choice? Why? If not, why? 3/4 page

25 Monday Sept 22nd SSR

26 Tuesday, September 23rd SSR

27 Monday September 29th Write about a time when you pretended to be something or someone you are not. Why did you pretend, what motivated you to take on this persona? What was the outcome? ½ page

28 Tuesday September 30 SSR

29 Wednesday October 1st SSR

30 Thursday October 2nd SSR

31 Write about one of your favorites from your writing territories list
Friday October 3rd Write about one of your favorites from your writing territories list Explain what it is, how did it become your favorite, why did it make it on your list above other choices? ½ page

32 Monday, October 6th If you are presenting today, you may QUIETLY prep with your group for your presentation. Please come and load any digital materials onto my computer If you are not presenting you may: read silently or pick a childhood smell/taste from your writing territory list and write about it

33 Tuesday, October 7th If you are presenting today, you may QUIETLY prep with your group for your presentation. Please come and load any digital materials onto my computer If you are not presenting you may: read silently or pick a childhood smell/taste from your writing territory list and write about it (if you did this yesterday- write about your favorite part of school and your least favorite part)

34 Wednesday October 8th If you are presenting today, you may QUIETLY prep with your group for your presentation. Please come and load any digital materials onto my computer If you are not presenting you may: read silently or pick a childhood smell/taste from your writing territory list and write about it (if you did this yesterday- write about your favorite part of school and your least favorite part)

35 Thursday, October 9th SSR


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