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I. Basic Definitions 1. Abomination of Desolation - This idea appears four times in the OT (Dan 8:13; 9:27; 11:31; and 12:11); it is expressed verbatim 2 times in the NT (Matt 24:15; Mark 13:4). Biblically, the word abomination usually occurs in the context of idolatry and sacrilege. This phrase refers to the spiritual and/or physical desolation of a significant religious object or place. Most commentators identify this event with one of more of the following: Antiochus IV, pagan king of Syria, sacrificed a hog on the holy altar before the Temple of Jerusalem (165 B.C.) The desolation of Jerusalem and its temple (1st Century) An event at the end of time. 2. Antichrist – This word means “against Christ.” The exact word only occurs 4 times in the Bible, all in the epistles of John (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7). John talks about both the Antichrist and many antichrists, for “as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come” (1 John 2:18).
I. Basic Definitions 3. Bema (Judgement) Seat – This refers to the time when Christ will judge believers according to their works. This evaluation does not determine whether a believer receives admission into heaven, for Christ alone is the foundation of salvation; this judgement is focused on eternal rewards (Rom. 14:10-11; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:9-10; 1 John 2:28; Rev. 3:11-12). Some commentators argue that this will occur at the rapture and/or at the second coming; the judgment of unbelievers will occur 1,000 years later. Other commentators argue that this evaluation takes place at the same time as the judgment of unbelievers. 4. Eschatology - This “ology” refers to the study of end times (Greek word eschaton = last).
I. Basic Definitions 5. Great Tribulation– The word tribulation refers to a trial or hardship. The Great Tribulation refers to a severe trial that individuals will undergo directly prior to the Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24:21-22). 6. Great White Throne Judgment – This event is described in Revelation 20: Some interpreters believe that the unsaved will be resurrected and judged after the millennium at this event; others believe that this judgement will happen with the Bema judgment during the Second Coming.
I. Basic Definitions 7. Historical-Grammatical Method - This method seeks to extract the “plain” meaning out of any given text, which is found by understanding the author’s intent. The author’s intent is discovered by using the normal principles of language and by understanding the historical setting that the author existed in. 8. Intermediate State – The Bible affirms both that the resurrection will occur at the end of time (Matt 22:23-30; Luke 14:14; John 5:28-29) and that when believers die they are immediately in God’s presence (Luke 23:43; Phil 1:20-24; 1 Thess 4:14). This phrase describes the era of existence between death and the future resurrection; believers will consciously exist as a disembodied soul in the presence of God.
I. Basic Definitions 9. Kingdom of God – The sovereign activity and reign of God in the lives of His people; this kingdom is “here and not yet.” The Kingdom of the Son precedes the Kingdom of the Father. Jesus will reign until he places every enemy under his feet; he will then “be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all” (1st Cor 15:28). 10. Millennium – This Latin word means “one thousand years.” It is mentioned six times in the Book of Revelation (20), and it describes the reign of Jesus and the binding of Satan. Scholars debate on whether the millennium is currently in operation or whether it will begin after the Second Coming.
I. Basic Definitions 11. New Covenant Hermeneutic – This interpretive method believes that the mystery of certain Old Testament verses was not unlocked until the Spirit gave understanding to the New Testament writers. Therefore, one must use the New Testament in order to properly interpret certain OT predictive prophesies. 12. Recapitulation (Genre) – This genre occurs in the Scriptures when a biblical author repeats certain truths in various ways in order to bring a comprehensive understanding of the motif to his audience.
I. Basic Definitions 13. Rapture – This term comes from the Latin word rapio, which means to be “caught up.” The Bible does not use this term, but the Greek word harpazo carries a similar connotation (1 Thess 4). Scholars disagree on whether the rapture will occur before the great tribulation (pre-trib), during the great tribulation (mid-trib), or at the time of the Second Coming (post trib). 14. Resurrection – This word is most frequently used to describe a divine miracle in which God awakens dead physical bodies to life. Jesus is called the “first fruits” because he was the first one to be resurrected (Lazarus was merely resuscitated). The bodies of both believers and unbelievers will be raised in the future. The physical bodies of believers will be upgraded and raised imperishable. The bodies of unbelievers will be raised for judgement. Less frequently, the Bible describes a spiritual resurrection that converts experience in Christ (Colossians 3:1)
I. Basic Definitions 15. Second Coming – This event describes the physical return of Christ. The Bible uses the words coming, appearing, and revelation to describe this incident. Scholars disagree on what actions will take place during this occurrence.
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