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End-user needs in Accessible and Inclusive ICT

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1 End-user needs in Accessible and Inclusive ICT
Reinhard Sefelin About CURE Independent, non-profit research organisation since1999 Driving innovations from the user’s perspective: careful investigation of users Involve end-users in every project: observing, interviewing and working with these users in their specific context Ensure that developments fit to real user needs Contact: | |

2 Vision: Deconstructing Complexity
Technology Confidence Empathy Pleasure Reliability Satisfaction Effectiveness Efficiency User Experience Control Technology should not only be available, it should also create a positive user experience Working with users, family and caretakers to ensure fit between development and real user needs Intelligent environments need not only be available and usable, but also satisfy other needs such as confidence, control, privacy, pleasure in use and hedonic aspects.

3 SimulUS – Development environment for hardware and software solutions based on simulations of special needs Project phases: Phase 1: What are the limitations for different impaired user groups and how can they be simulated? Phase 2: Construction of Artificial Impairment Interface and Simulator (AIIS) One of the main components: Aging Simulator for rapid hardware tests Phase 3,4,5: Development of prototypical applications for elderly and impaired users during which the AIIS is used by designers to evaluate the development environment Partners needed: Hardware and Software developers, Specialists for cognitive impairments, End-user organisations, …

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