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Attention New Grads! In times like these….

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Presentation on theme: "Attention New Grads! In times like these…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attention New Grads! In times like these…

2 It can be rough finding a job…
You have an impressive resume! I’ll add it to the 585 others on my desk…You can expect to hear from us by the end of the decade… ANY HOSPITAL, ANYWHERE COUNTY

3 What can you do?? CRY? SCREAM? KICK THE DOG?


5 Well…you could stay in a depressed market and make the best of it…
Will suction for food “Want Fries with that??”

6 Or maybe you could… Sign up at the welfare office…
Or move back in with the folks!

7 Or even…… Go into retail marketing… or maybe advertising…

8 There are BETTER alternatives!
You could improve your chances of securing a job by enrolling in the PMI online BSRT course!

9 Or there’s another alternative…
Don’t wait for the jobs to come to you…go TO THEM!!

10 PMI RT GRADS on the move!

11 Sean Brainard CRT Graduated July 2010 UMC Lubbock Texas
Sean has been busy in his new career! He is presently on the Flight team and also works in the Adult and Neonatal ICU, and as a member of the trauma team. UMC Lubbock is a Burn center and also houses a prison ward for the Texas Dept. of Corrections. Sean loves the Texas “life-style” and “has learned a lot working at a teaching institution.”

12 PMI RT GRADS on the move!

13 Gracie Fernandez RRT Graduated Feb
Gracie Fernandez RRT Graduated Feb Seton Medical Center Austin Texas Austin's largest medical/surgical acute care center, Seton Medical Center Austin is the only hospital in Central Texas that performs heart transplants. Seton Medical Center Austin offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for both inpatients and outpatients and regional specialty programs, including the Seton Heart Specialty Care and Transplant Center. Gracie says: “ After 3 months busting it PRN your girl landed herself a full time gig” What does this mean??

14 PMI RT GRADS on the move!

15 Allan Green RRT Graduated July 2010 Providence Medical Center Anchorage, Alaska
Providence Alaska Medical Center - Anchorage Level 2 Trauma Center (lacking 24/7 neurosurgeon availability) Level 3 NICU 28 Bed Adult ICU eICU: Award winning Telemedicine services via computers and high definition cameras which allow Intensivists to oversee patient care around the state, and in Oregon 10 Bed PICU 340 Beds total Full Pulmonary Function Lab open 5 days a week Full surgical services including open heart, orthopedic and bariatric “Some crazy news from up north, if the RSV outbreak in western Alaska gets worse (as they are anticipating it to) I’ll have the chance to travel and help manage a makeshift PICU out in the villages! Crazy stuff!” – (recent ) As is evident Allan is excited with his new career!

16 PMI RT GRADS on the move!

17 Vivian R. Cruz RRT Graduated Jan
Vivian R. Cruz RRT Graduated Jan Mary Washington Hospital Fredericksburg, VA. An East Coast native, Vivian had no hesitation to pack her bags and move east after graduating. She had a position waiting for her and started her new career –first at the South Maryland Medical Center before moving on to Virginia where she works now. She enjoys the “East Coast life-style” and travels often to NYC to visit relatives and to attend sporting events. Mary Washington Hospital offers specialty services typically found in major cities such as trauma care, open heart surgery, neurosurgery, and advanced cancer care. Accredited in a wide range of services, MWH meets the highest national standards in healthcare.

18 PMI RT GRADS on the move!

19 Stephanie Scarborough RRT Graduated Jan 2010 Cheyenne Regional MC Cheyenne, Wyoming
Following in her father’s footsteps, Stephanie graduated from our RT program and moved out to “Cowboy Country.” She recently completed her BSRT from PMI and was in the first graduating class! Along with finding a new career in Wyoming and completing her Bachelor’s degree….she also met “Mr. Right” and was married this past October! Congratulations Stephanie!

20 PMI RT GRADS on the move!

21 Leah Tress Moyer RRT Graduated July 2011 Shepard’s Center Atlanta, Georgia
Leah worked as a Physical Therapy Aid and a Personal trainer before enrolling in the RT program at PMI. She graduated class Valedictorian and excelled all throughout school. She writes: “I guess new grads are very rarely hired at this place, so I'm really flattered. You guys should see this place and the amazing equipment and facilities. They have the best of everything. It's really something to see. I never thought I'd see something this good! If you ever have a spine or brain injury this is where you come.” Shepard’s Center in Atlanta Georgia is one of the top 10 Hospitals in the U.S. for spinal cord injury rehabilitation.

22 PMI RT GRADS on the move!

23 Jazmine Lee, RRT Graduated Jan
Jazmine Lee, RRT Graduated Jan Harrison Hospital, Bremerton, Washington "My job is going great! I am learning so much! I am currently a per-diem employee; however, I usually work between hours per week....Right now I am working floors but hopefully soon I’ll be trained in the ICU. The name of my hospital is Harrison Hospital in Bremerton, Washington." Harrison Bremerton is an acute-care center and home to award-winning cardiovascular services, including open-heart surgery. Services also include oncology, inpatient and outpatient surgery, orthopaedics, critical care, and 24/7 emergency care in our Level III Trauma Center.

24 PMI RT GRADS on the move!

25 Katrina Diwa, CRT Graduated Jan. 2010 Kaiser, Oakland CA.
Looked for a job in San Diego for nearly a year without results after graduating in Jan Went to San Francisco and was hired nearly immediately at the end of 2010 by Kaiser in Oakland. She stayed for a while there, gaining experience and recently moved back to San Diego and, as an experienced person, was immediately hired by a local facility. She also is working in clinical research doing asthma studies related to respiratory drugs. The flagship hospital for Kaiser Permanente, our Oakland medical center, is a leader in offering community education and highly specialized care. The facility has: 727 physicians (between Oakland and Richmond medical centers)  341 beds 14-bed perioperative department 60 critical care beds

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