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A Paleontology/Skull Unit Review Activity

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Presentation on theme: "A Paleontology/Skull Unit Review Activity"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Paleontology/Skull Unit Review Activity

2 Directions: Two student sit with backs to this presentation
The two students in the second row give the students clues to the vocabulary word onscreen as a clock keeps time The students tries to guess the word before the buzzer Only the first row guesses while the second row gives the clues

3 Directions: The clues must include terms that we used in class
No portion of the password can be used in the clue If one team does not get the answer it is passed to the first row of the other team The other team must guess immediately without any other clues If both first rows know the answer then they will shoot the basket to determine which team will answer

4 Directions: If we end in a tie, each team can pick a word for the other team The word can be from any unit that we studied this year Both get a chance to answer Continue as necessary

5 Ready to play?

6 The is… Primate

7 H. Neanderthalensis (Neanderthal)
The is… H. Neanderthalensis (Neanderthal)

8 The is… Opposable Thumb

9 The is… Anthropoids

10 The is… Binocular Vision

11 The is… “Lucy” (A. Afarensis)

12 The is… Prehensile Tail

13 Australopithecine genus
is… Australopithecine genus

14 The is… Hominid

15 The is… Sagittal Crest

16 The is… Supra-orbital ridge

17 The is… Natural Selection

18 The is… Dental Arcade

19 The is… Prosimians

20 The is… Bipedalism

21 The is… Africa

22 The is… Protractor

23 The is… Pelvis

24 The is… Prognathism

25 The is… Forehead

26 The is… S-curve

27 The is… Braincase Volume

28 The is… Ape

29 The is… Facial Slope

30 The is… Common ancestor

31 The is… Opposable toes

32 The is… Pelvis

33 The is… Homo sapien

34 The is… Homo Genus

35 The is… Gorilla

36 The is… Quadrapedalism

37 The is… 100,000 years

38 The is… DNA similarities

39 The is… In-line toes

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