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Global industry targets

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1 Global industry targets
2010 2020 2050 1.5% p/a fuel efficiency Working towards CNG CNG from 2020 Implementation of global sectoral approach 50% reduction in net CO2 emissions over 2005 levels Our vision translated in 2008 into concrete industry targets which were agreed and adopted by the entire industry: Namely: 1.5% fuel efficiency improvement annually until 2020 Carbon neutral grow by 2020, meaning even though with traffic growth we will maintain the level of net emission on the same level And finally 50% reduction of CO2 in comparison with 2005 levels in 2050. 1

2 THE FOUR PILLARS 1 2 The question is how can we fulfill these very ambitious objectives? The four pillars give you the very high level strategic path to achieve the promised CO2 savings. In more detail I would like to give you some concrete examples of measures what airlines already doing to reduce fuel consumption.

3 Emissions reduction roadmap
“Frozen technology” emissions Known technology, operations and infrastructure measures Biofuels and additional technology Carbon-neutral growth 2020 Gross emissions trajectory Economic measures No action CO2 emissions Tech Ops Infra Biofuels + add. Tech CNG 2020 -50% by 2050 (schematic) 2005 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 3 3

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