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2018 IONE Highlights.

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1 2018 IONE Highlights


3 Priority 1: Implement a formal nursing leadership development program by July Leaders: Gwynn Perlich & Christy Flynn Strategy 1 - Implement the Leader to Leader (L2L) Mentorship program utilizing the AONE model. Strategy 2 – Establish a student nurse extern practice. Strategy 3 – Establish a workforce development plan for Indiana. Strategy 4 – Offer educational offerings to facilitate leadership development

4 Priority 2: Support nursing leadership research by establishing nursing innovation and evidence-based practice priorities. Leaders: Mary Browning & Norma Hall Strategy 1 Research potential focus areas for research and finalize priorities. Strategy 2 Develop plans to pursue research relevant to nurse leaders (opportunities specific to Models of Care and Quality and Safety) Strategy 3 Implement a plan to communicate availability of IONE research grants Strategy 4 Open the research committee to students needing to conduct research

5 Priority 3: Increase engagement of IONE members
Priority 3: Increase engagement of IONE members. Leaders: Jill Buttry & Michelle Walter Strategy 1 Increase diversity and outreach (race, age, gender, areas of practice, etc.) in IONE. Strategy 2 Implement processes to better align the individual districts with the state organization. Strategy 3 Implement a formalized networking plan.

6 Priority 4: Increase awareness and knowledge of legislative process surrounding healthcare policy. Leaders: Linda Minton & Jennifer Nolan Strategy 1 Implement an advocacy plan to increase IONE’s presence and recognition as a resource for healthcare policy at the statehouse. Strategy 2 Increase membership understanding of current issues and participation in the legislative process.

7 AONE Annual Meeting Indianapolis 91
AONE Annual Meeting Indianapolis hours (not counting ED) were donated by IONE members to assist AONE. 26 hours were donated at the IONE Booth. Planning is underway for the 2019 Annual meeting in San Diego. (April 10-13, 2019)

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