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11 January 2016 Ms. Smith CCR English 10

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1 11 January 2016 Ms. Smith CCR English 10
Collect Grammar Booklets Reminders Writer’s Notebook Propaganda 11 January Ms. Smith CCR English 10 I can evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.

2 Grammar Booklets If you are NOT turning in your booklet: you must hand in either the “I don’t have my homework” slip that’s in the back of the classroom or the neon green “Late Work” pass some of you won during the review game. Rough Drafts should be stapled to the BACK of the scoring guide. Final Drafts should be inside your new booklet. As long as I get it by the end of the day (around 3:10), it is considered on time.

3 Reminders Pre-AP 11 3rd Quarter Recommendation day is almost upon us! If you are interested in taking Pre-AP 11 next year, you must come see me this week. I will NOT recommend you unless you meet the requirements. Your passes start over today. You have five passes that must last you until March 11th. Remember, your passes are used when you show up tardy to class, you need to leave to use the restroom, water fountain, locker, etc. Don’t forget that failure to turn in a single assignment means you lose all the bonus points you’ve accumulated that quarter.

4 DENOTATION The direct meaning of a word or an expression, as distinguished from the ideas or meanings associated with it or suggested by it. The strict, “dictionary” definition of a word.

5 CONNOTATION The associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning. The feelings and images associated with words. Refers to the emotions and associations that attach to words, and expand beyond their proper definitions.

6 rhetoric The technique of using language effectively.

7 Propaganda The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person. Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause.

8 Fallacies a wrong belief a false or mistaken idea deceptive appearance
an often plausible argument using false or invalid inference

9 Paraphrasing A paraphrase is a detailed restatement of a text.
It is not just a summary of the main ideas. It should equal about the same number of sentences as the original.

10 Paraphrasing Original: This summer was pretty uneventful; I did get to read a lot though! Paraphrase: I was able to read quite a bit despite a boring summer.

11 Paraphrasing Original: Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result, they overuse quotations in the final paper; therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact copying of source materials while taking notes. Paraphrase: In papers, students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level; since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the material recorded verbatim.

12 BANDWAGON: We are made to believe that everyone uses this product or believes in this idea. As a result, we will buy/use the product or believe in the idea too because we don’t want to be left out. Video: Coke Chase 2013

13 TESTIMONIAL: We are persuaded to buy a product or believe in an idea because a celebrity uses and endorses it. Video: Old Spice 13

14 GLITTERING GENERALITIES: We are persuaded to buy a product or believe in an idea because of the use of vague words or phrases. Video: Coca-Cola

15 CARD STACKING: We are persuaded into buying a product or believing in an idea because we are only told the best things about it. Video: Abilify

16 PLAIN FOLKS: We are persuaded to buy a product or believe in an idea because everyday people use it or believe in it. Video: Oreos

17 Tuesday Propaganda Wednesday Thursday Friday SSR / Novel Case File
Homework Tuesday Propaganda Wednesday Thursday Friday SSR / Novel Case File Grammar Booklets: Remember that it is 10% off for each day it is late. Because we do not have school on Monday, Tuesday (1/19) will be the last day that I take anyone’s work.

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