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Group 6 Performance of the agricultural Sector in Ghana.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 6 Performance of the agricultural Sector in Ghana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 6 Performance of the agricultural Sector in Ghana.

2 Outline Overview on Ghana’s economy
Goals and objectives of the presentation General performance of the Agricultural sector Performance of each sub-sector Summary Biography of Rev Dr Kwabena Darko

3 Overview Until recently , The Ghanaian economy was known to be an agrarian economy due to the sector’s contribution to Gross Domestic Product(GDP),employment and economic growth. This presentation discuss extensively on the performance of the agricultural sector in Ghana.

4 Goals/objectives Know the overall performance of the agricultural sector overtime Know the performance of each sub-sector in the last ten years.

5 General performance of the Agricultural sector
In terms of output, the growth performance of the sector has not been consistent over the last decade, agriculture exhibited steady decline, sometimes with negative growth rates as well as increasing rate. The agricultural sector in the year 2014 saw a decline in the growth rate as compared to the 2013 with the overall growth rate of 4.6%

6 General Performance of the Agricultural Sector
The growth rate was accounted for by the contributions of the sub-sectors except fisheries sub-sector which witnessed a fall in the growth from 5.7% in 2013 and -5.6% in 2014. There was a consistent increase in the growth rate within the sector from 2011 when the agricultural sector growth rate increased from 0.8% to 2.3% in 2012 to 5.2% in 2013

7 General Performance of the Agricultural Sector Source: Ministry of Food and Agriculture

8 The four major sub-sectors
cocoa crops and livestock forestry and logging fisheries

9 Performance of each sub-sector COCOA SUB-SECTOR
The performance of the cocoa sub-sector is very important in determining the agricultural sector as a whole giving the crucial role cocoa plays in the economy being a major foreign exchange earner of Ghana’s economy

10 Performance of the Cocoa sub-sector
The sector experienced negative growth between 1970 and 1980 ,cocoa output dropped from 403,000mt to 296,000mt. The early 1990’s were years of stagnation in output with production averaging about 280,000t a year. The poor performance of cocoa sub-sector over these years can be attributed to falling prices at the world market as well as low credit facilities given to cocoa farmers.

11 Performance of the Cocoa sub-sector
The declined was greatly reversed in 2010 as sub-sector picked up again. In the year 2014,measures were undertaken under the coco Hi-Tech Fertilizer Application and Cocoa Disease and Pest Control(CODAPEC) programme as well as provision of operational inputs to ensure high rate of productivity. In spite of these interventions, production fell by 5.2% in 2014.Production actually dropped from approximately 945,000t in 2012/13 to 896,000t in the 2013/14 growing season.

12 Performance of the Cocoa sub-sector

13 Crops and livestock sub-sector
The crops and the livestock is the largest sub-sector in the agriculture sector accounting for the greater part of agriculture’s Contribution to GDP Apart from the year 2000 when the growth rate dropped from 4.7% in 1999 to 1.1% as well in 2004 ,the crops and livestock sub-sector has shown progressive growth between 2007/08 season

14 Crops and livestock sub-sector
This relatively good performance has often been attributed to increase in the area cultivated and increased in yield per hectare resulting from the use of fertilizer and other improving farming practices. More starchy crops such as cassava, yam, cocoyam and plantain maintained their upward trend in 2003 and 2007/09 cropping season. Cassava output went up by 5.2% and plantain by 2.2%

15 Crops and livestock sub-sector
In terms of cereals namely maize, sorghum, millet and rice fell from 2.6mmt in 2002 to 2.04mmt in 2003,a decline of 5.2%. However, there was also a rise in output of both rice and millet by 0.44% and 0.625% respectively, in the year 2013. In terms of livestock production, poultry has made the most significant progress. The economy relies heavily on poultry although Ghana has a potential to be self-sufficient in poultry production. Between 1996 and 2002 poultry grew at an annual rate of 11.0%.The increase in poultry was comparatively higher, at 11.9% in 2004

16 Crops and livestock sub-sector
Livestock is severely limited by the incidence of tsetsefly in the Ghana forested regions and by poor grazing of vegetation elsewhere. . Some of the interventions or activities planned in 2007 included the establishment of two common grazing zones to address the perennial problem of uncontrolled grazing and the destructions of farmlands.

17 Crops and livestock sub-sector

18 The Fisheries sub-sector
The fishing sector of the country plays an important role contributing significantly to national economic development objectives related to employment ,livelihood support, poverty reduction, food security, foreign exchange earnings and resource sustainability.

19 The Fisheries sub-sector
Fish is the country’s most important non-traditional export commodity and the sector accounts for about 5% of the agricultural GDP. In 2002,the marine catch was 290,000mt, but this increased to 300,000mt in 2003.The catch for inland waters was estimated at 88,000mt in 2002 and 94,000mt in 2003. Eventhough, some fish species particularly tuna and shrimps are exported annually hence

20 The Fisheries sub-sector
…Ghana was the net importer of fish with import of 323,000mt in 2001 In the year 2011,the Republic of Ghana Fisheries and Aquaculture sector Development Plan( ) noted that fisheries support around fishers in the marine sector alone and that it supports 2.2million throughout the country which is 10% of the population

21 The Fisheries Sub-sector

22 Forestry & Logging sub-sector
Forest cover about one-third of Ghana’s total area, with the commercial forestry concentrated in the southern part of the country. This sector accounted for 4.2% of GDP in 1990; timber was the country’s third largest foreign exchange earner. Until the 1980s, forestry production suffered because of the overvalued cedi and deterioration of the transportation infrastructure. The sector also faced several problems and the most important was severe deforestation.

23 The Forestry and Logging Sub Sector
The Forestry and logging sub-sector in 2013 recorded a growth rate of 0.0%. Although this is a slightly better performance over the previous years (-6.8%), it nonetheless speaks to the consistent fall in the forestry-and logging-related activities in the country, compared to the activities in the sub-sectors. The logging and forestry sub-sector recorded the lowest performance in the last five years that is from 2008 to 2013.

24 The Forestry and Logging sub-sector

25 SUMMARY The performance of agriculture over the past years has not been consistent, agriculture exhibited a steady decline, sometimes with negative growth rates between 1975 and 1983, grew at rates not greater than 4% between 1984 and 1994 but picked up afterwards growing at an average of over 4% afterwards. The performance of the various sub sectors are similar, with the cocoa sector declining until 1984 and then began to record growth output .

26 SUMMARY There have however been fluctuations in cocoa output although there has been a general growth. The crops and livestock sectors have also seen a general growth from the mid-1980s and there has however been a relative stagnation in the last decade. Also, the forestry sector is one sector which has been on a decline in the past decade as well as fisheries sector. The only time there has been a significantly decline in agricultural production is when the growth rate was negative in 2007.

27 Biography of Rev Dr Kwabena Darko
Rev Dr Kwabena Darko was born on 23rd October,1943 in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. He heads one of Ghana’s most successful enterprises, Darko Farms & Co. Ltd. He is the principal shareholder of the family enterprises, which produces more than 50% of Ghana’s old-day-chicks and a large proportion of its table eggs and dressed chicken. Darko has advanced poultry Science in Ghana, receiving numerous awards of recognition for his contribution to the field. His poultry is the largest privately owned agro-industrial concerns and ranked No.1 in Ghana for excellence in product quality and good citizenship. His poultry supplies more than 50% of Ghana’s poultry requirements

Ghana Statistical Services (GSS), Revised GDP 2010 (May 2011) and Provisional GDP 2012. La Verle Berry, ed. Ghana; A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the library of congress, 1994 Economy of Ghana course manual; Distance Education, (IAE), University of Ghana, Legon, October 2009.

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