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Introduction to Web Authoring

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1 Introduction to Web Authoring
Ellen Cushman Introduction to Web Authoring Class mtg. #6 our syllabus old class page new class page

2 Today in Class Next Time
Show your site and answer questions re: your initial genre analysis. In Vogue—Flannel & Fur. Photoshop How sites organize their information visually, but invisibly. Tables and grids in html Columns in css

3 More fun with Photoshop
Recontextualizing people into different places breaks generic conventions: Layers & Background Masking, color & selection tools, Zooming into pixels and seeing/erasing unwanted data. Checking on histories to take alternate roots.

4 Your sites & learning so far
What questions do you have so far? Please load the site you’re analyzing onto your computer. What are our initial findings/impressions about genres Why are they helpful/useful? Why should professional writers care about genres?

5 Workshop your Parodies
Create your parody or example image of the site you’ve chosen to study Use any of the moves we’ve covered in Photoshop. Your image can lampoon or exemplify a site you’ve chosen. Load this image to your personal page!

6 For next time Continue to work on your analysis and your parody/example image Pay attention to how your site organizes the content of the page. where is information located and how? what file architecture does this suggest? Peer review on 2/6: 4-5 pages of text, plus your image due in class!!!

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