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Writing a Gothic Horror Story

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Presentation on theme: "Writing a Gothic Horror Story"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing a Gothic Horror Story

2 Using Words to Create Atmosphere
Short sentences for impact Appeal to the senses Well chosen verbs Showing not telling Personification Suggestive weather Simile / metaphor N.B. Note these down – you will need them!

3 Match the technique to the quote!
“His eyes were cold and steely, like a hawk’s when it is about to swoop on its prey”

4 Match the technique to the quote!
“The tree groaned as the wind beat against its branches.”

5 Match the technique to the quote!
“The headteacher drummed her fingers on the desk.”

6 Match the technique to the quote!
“That stale smell hung in the air as she played with the smooth, cold metal egg the aliens had left behind. The monotone humming of the spaceship suddenly stopped and a deep silence opened up.”

7 Match the technique to the quote!
“There was the noise again. Crackle. Snap. Somewhere behind him. But where exactly?”

8 Match the technique to the quote!
“As he held the trophy high, his eyes began to glisten.”

9 Match the technique to the quote!
“The steel grey clouds gathered low above the exhausted travellers and the driving rain beat down upon them.”

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