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Introduction to Sociology

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1 Introduction to Sociology





6 Student Introductions
Your background Motivation Future plans

7 Triangle of respect

8 Syllabus Course calendar Student assessment Grading Policies:
Withdrawal Failure of course Late work Finals

9 How to succeed in this class
Commitment Motivation Completing work Being engaged in your success Communication

10 What is Sociology

11 Studying patterns

12 History of Sociology

13 Comte – the father of Sociology
How to study Society Natural science as a model to understand how societies change Positivism – scientific method to study society Study of patterns Example - Marriage

14 Karl Marx How societies change? – struggle between classes
How classes are formed - who controls means of production Industrial revolution and growth of capitalism How it affected soceiteis – inequality A solution – communism – no private ownership of property His economic predictions did not come true, but his ideas of social conflict are still one of the major theories in sociology

15 Emile Durkheim First sociology department
Study of social change – how societies transform from primitive to modern He was influenced by the ideas of positivism - study of society based on objective “Social facts” What keeps the societies stable – Social norms How society shapes human behavior – are we puppets of the society Study of suicide

16 Group Discussion : Suicide Rates What are the patterns. Why
Group Discussion : Suicide Rates What are the patterns? Why? What is the explanation?

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