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Anthro/homo/hum man.

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1 anthro/homo/hum man

2 anthropologist “anthro” (man) + “logist” (one who studies) = a person who studies the science of human beings and their ancestors. Anthropologists examine, analyze, report on, and compare different cultures and how they grow, develop, and interact.

3 anthropophagous of or relating to eaters of human flesh. I wonder if the witch in Hansel and Gretel was anthropophagous?

4 anthropocentric “anthro” (man) + “centr” (central) + “ic” (having the characteristics of) = having the characteristics of thinking human beings are the central or most significant entity / species in the world and universe; interpreting reality exclusively in terms of human values Anthropocentric view is a dangerous view for humans to have at this point of time.

5 anthropomorphic “anthro” (man) + “morph” (shape) + “ic” (having the characteristics of = having the characteristics of being shaped like a man; Something anthropomorphic is not human, but is shaped like a human, or has human characteristics, such as behavior. Many times animals in books and movies are given anthropomorphic qualities.

6 misanthrope a person who hates or distrusts humankind. Gregory House, MD, of the popular Fox show, is a good example of a misanthrope.

7 Homo sapiens Latin name for the modern species of humans, which are bipedal primates. All people today are classified as Homo sapiens.

8 homicide “homo” (man) + “cide” (cut or kill) = any killing of one human being by another. The police investigated the homicide for 2 years before they solved the case.

9 homage special honor or respect shown publicly. They paid homage to Michael Jackson when they gave him a star on the Walk of Fame.

10 humanitarian a person who spends much time doing good for others, especially for those who are suffering; describes a person who is devoted to the promotion of human health, happiness, and well-being. Mother Teresa was a humanitarian.

11 humane describes someone who is kind, gentle, or who shows mercy. His treatment of the stray dog was very humane.

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