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Chapter 2 Organizations 2001 & Managerial Challenges Nelson & Quick

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1 Chapter 2 Organizations 2001 & Managerial Challenges Nelson & Quick

2 Remaining Competitive: Four Major Challenges to Managers
Globalizing the firm’s operations Managing a diverse workforce Keeping up with technological change and implementing technology in the workplace Managing ethical behavior 2

3 Changing Business Perspectives
International implies an individual’s or organization’s nationality is held strongly in consciousness Move to Globalization implies the world is free from national boundaries and that it is really a borderless world 3

4 Changing Business Perspectives
In Multinational organizations, the organization was recognized as doing business with other countries Move to In Transnational organizations, the global viewpoint supersedes national issues. 4

5 Changes in the Global Marketplace
Collapse of Eastern Europe Union of East and West Berlin Expansion of business with China Creation of the European Union Establishment of the North American Free Trade Agreement 5

6 Understanding Cultural Differences
June Individualism/Collectivism High power distance/Low power distance High uncertainty Low uncertainty avoidance avoidance Masculinity/Femininity Long-term orientation/ Short-term orientation Reprinted with permission of Academy of Management, PO Box 3020, Briar Cliff Manor, NY Cultural Constraints in Management Theories (Figure), G. Hofstede, Academy of Management Executive 7, (1993). Reproduced by permission of the publisher via Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 6

7 Where the U.S. Stands Individualism Low power distance
Low uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity Short-term orientation 7

8 Developing Cross-Cultural Sensitivity
Cultural sensitivity training Cross-cultural task forces/teams Global view of human resource functions Planning Recruitment and Selection Compensation Training and Development 8

9 Diversity All forms of individual differences, including culture, gender, age, ability, personality, religious affiliation, economic class, social status, military attachment, and sexual orientation

10 Diversity Statistics for the Workplace
Cultural 2020 Workforce: 68% white non-Hispanic 14% Hispanic 11% African-American Gender 2020 Workforce: 50% male 50% female

11 Diversity Statistics Affecting the Workplace
Age By 2000, median U.S. age will be 36 resulting in a job crunch among middle- aged workers and greater intergenerational contact in the workplace. Ability An estimated 43 million disabled live in the U.S.; their unemployment rate exceeds 60%

12 Diversity Benefits Attract & Retain Talent Result in Better Problem
Solving Diversity Benefits Enhance Organizational Flexibility Enhance Marketing Efforts Promote Creativity & Innovation

13 Diversity Problems Slower Resistance Decision- to Change Making
Possibility of Conflicts Time to Achieve Cohesiveness Communication Problems

14 Technological Innovation
Technology The intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services that meet organizational goals Examples Expert system - computer based application using representation of human expertise in a specialized field of knowledge to solve problems Robotics - use of robots in organizations

15 Alternative Work Arrangements
Telecommuting - transmitting work from a home computer to the office using a modem reduces company cost increases productivity allows access to key workers anywhere helps retain employees attracted by the flexibility

16 Additional Alternative Work Arrangements
Hoteling - employees have mobile file cabinets/lockers for personal storage; work spaces are reserved, not assigned Satellite offices - large facilities broken into smaller workplaces near employees’ homes Virtual Office: people work anytime, anywhere, with anyone.

17 Technological Change Requires Managers to
Focus on helping workers manage the stress of their work Take advantage of the wealth of information available to motivate, coach, and counsel--not to control Develop technical competence to gain workers’ respect

18 Help Employees Adjust by
Involving them in decision-making regarding technological change Selecting technology that increases workers’ skill requirements Providing effective training Establishing support groups Encouraging reinvention (creative application of new technology)

19 Ethical Theories Consequential Theory An ethical theory that
emphasizes the consequences or results of behavior Rule-based Theory An ethical theory that emphasizes the character of the act itself rather than its effects Cultural Theory An ethical theory that emphasizes respect for different cultural values

20 Employee Rights Issues
Computerized monitoring Drug testing Free speech Downsizing Layoffs AIDS in the workplace

21 Sexual Harassment = Unwanted Sexual Attention
Gender Harassment - crude comments; behaviors that convey hostility toward a particular gender Unwanted Sexual Attention - unwanted touching, unwanted pressure for dates Sexual Coercion - demands for sexual favors through job-related threats or promises Harassment or Potential Romance?

22 Organizational Justice
Distributive Justice fairness of the outcomes that individuals receive in an organization Procedural Justice fairness by which the outcomes are allocated in an organization Companies in Danger CEO salaries Competence and Skill Race and Gender

23 Individual & Organizational Responsibility
Whistle-blower - an employee who informs authorities of the wrongdoing of his or her company or coworkers Hero “Vile Wretch” Social Responsibility - the obligation of an organization to behave ethically

24 Rotary Four-Way Test OF WHAT WE THINK, SAY, OR DO
1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and better friendships? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

25 Four Challenges to Organizations in the New Millennium
Globalization Diversity Technology Ethics

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