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4th ISOE European Workshop on Occupational Exposure Management at NPPs Lyon, France, 24-26 March 2004 Kirsi Alm-Lytz Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "4th ISOE European Workshop on Occupational Exposure Management at NPPs Lyon, France, 24-26 March 2004 Kirsi Alm-Lytz Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th ISOE European Workshop on Occupational Exposure Management at NPPs Lyon, France, March Kirsi Alm-Lytz Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RADIATION SAFETY IN THE DESIGN OF A NEW FINNISH NPP Licensing of a new NPP in Finland FIN5 Regulatory Review at STUK Requirement Management Tool Regulatory platform on radiation safety

2 Electricity Generation in Finland
total 84 TWh (2002) Net imports 14 % Hydro Power 13 % Wind Power 0.1 % Oil 2 % Peat 7 % Coal 14 % Other domestic 13 % Natural gas 11 % Nuclear Power 26 % Olkiluoto NPP Loviisa NPP 2 x 488 MWe PWR 2 x 840 MWe BWR

3 Licensing of a new NPP in Finland
2009? FIN5: application 01/2004 STUK review FIN5: application 11/2000 Government DiP 01/2002 Parliament ratification 05/2002 Operating License Construction License Government FIN5: 01/2000 Decision in Principle (DiP) Government Environmental Impact Assessment Government Parliament Ministry of Trade and Industry Nuclear Energy Act (990/1987) Nuclear Energy Decree (161/1988)


5 Documents to be Submitted to STUK when Applying for a Construction License (Nuclear Energy Decree, Section 35) Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) Proposal for a Classification Document Description of Quality Assurance during the Construction Plans for Physical Protection and Emergency Preparedness Plan for Safeguards Description of the Applicant’s Arrangements for the Regulatory Review by STUK Other reports that STUK considers necessary (e.g. license applicant’s safety assessment)

6 FIN5 Regulatory Review at STUK: Main Phases

7 FIN5 Project Group Duties

8 10 Subprojects

9 Requirements and guidelines
Requirement Management - Tool Identification of requirements Requirements for the design (licensee) Requirements for STUK’s oversight Life cycle of requirements Construction license, Construction, Operating license, Commissioning, Operation Characteristics of requirements Verification, References, Open items, Closed Classification of requirements Linked to Decision of Council of State (395/1991 Sections) Linked to content of Safety Analysis Report Linked to project phase (CL, Construction, OL) Requirements and guidelines Nuclear Energy Act and Decree YVL Guides International references Decisions of Council of State

10  Requirement Management - Linking Safety Analysis Report YVL Guide
Requirements Decision of Council of State Sections Safety Analysis Report Safety Analysis Report General DCS X § YVL 1.0 Req. Id. YVL … Site DCS 7 § DCS 8 § Plant Systems DCS X § YVL 1.0 Req. Id. General 7 § YVL 2.0 Req. Id. Site 16 § YVL X.Y Req. Id. Reactor X §

11 Requirement Management – Review Results General Safety Criteria
License applicant submittal Reviewer Project Managers Management Insp. Memos Preliminary Safety Analysis Report General Site Plant Systems PSAR Inspection Report General Requirements Conclusions Site Plant Systems 4 … Insp. Memos Safety Assessment Decision of Council of State Insp. Memos Insp. Memos STUK’s Statement on Safety Insp. Memos Insp. Memos Insp. Memos Insp. Memos Insp. Memos YVL Guides General Safety Criteria

12 YVL 7.18: Radiation Safety Aspects in the Design of NPPs
Design principles: design target for collective dose radiation sources and shields materials plant layout decontamination decommissioning accidental situations Radiation safety in systems design: pipelines drainage and leak collection systems treatment of resins and concentrates limitation of the effluent release Regulatory control

13 Collective Dose Limitation
A new design criterion for an annual personnel collective dose target: 0.5 manSv/ 1 GWe averaged over the plant life -> 0.8 manSv/year for EPR (1600 MWe) EUR document requirement: The target for annual collective effective dose averaged over the plant life is 0.5 manSv/unit

14 Average collective radiation doses per reactor for operating OECD country NPPs and for existing Finnish NPPs EPR design criterion in YVL Guide requirement in EUR document

15 Decommissioning Radiation safety aspects of decommissioning shall be taken into account already in the design stage: materials (activation, spreading of corrosion products, decontamination) assessment of radiation sources and amounts of activity during decommissioning layout design: removal of large components, handling of activated components, system decontamination

16 On-Site Habitability during Accidents
Requlatory guide YVL 7.18 requires analyses of the possible radiation sources and estimates of emergency worker doses Design stage habitability criterion: doses may not exceed the normal dose limits of a radiation worker

17 Assessment of the on-site habitability at the existing Finnish NPPs
Direct radiation from the containment is adequately shielded (penetrations and hatches have to be separately analysed) Skyshine from the containment is a special feature at the Loviisa NPP air contamination in the building next to the containment might be a dangerous hazard even if the containment is intact and leaks only at the nominal rate contaminated systems outside the containment create higher local radiation levels (e.g. ECCS, containment sprays, sampling, filtered venting system)

18 Other Relevant Radiation Safety Guides during Construction License Phase
YVL 1.10 Safety criteria for siting a NPP YVL 7.1 Limitation of public exposure in the environment of and limitation of radioactive releases from NPPs YVL 7.2 Assessment of radiation doses to the population in the environment of a NPP YVL 7.3 Calculation of the dispersion of radioactive releases from a NPP YVL 7.5 Meteorological measurements at NPPs YVL 7.6 Monitoring of discharges of radioactive substances from NPPs YVL 7.11 Radiation monitoring systems and equipment in NPPs

19 Relevant Radiation Safety Guides during Operating License Phase
YVL 7.4 NPP emergency preparedness YVL 7.7 Radiation monitoring in the environment of NPPs YVL 7.8 Environmental radiation safety reporting of NPPs YVL 7.9 Radiation protection of NPP workers YVL 7.10 Monitoring of occupational exposure at NPPs

20 FIN5 Regulatory Challenges
Application of the present legislation and guidelines to a full-scale plant project Transition from the regulatory oversight of the operating units to the construction of a new reactor Maintaining a reasonable balance with the oversight of the operating units and new NPP Open communication and successful project performance, and coordination with external stakeholders Proactive regulatory work

21 Thank You!

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