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France on the Eve of Revolution

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1 France on the Eve of Revolution

2 Intro to France Located in Western Europe Capital: Paris
Language: French Main Religion: Catholicism Known as “Gaul” in Roman times and conquered by Julius Caesar In the late 18th century, it was one of the strongest nations in Europe




6 The Ancien Regime In 1789, the remnants of feudalism were still very much intact in French society You had three estates First Estate: the Clergy Second Estate: the Nobility Third Estate: everyone else The rise of the middle class, known as bourgeoisie, wanted a larger piece of the pie


8 French Financial Woes By 1789, France was heavily in debt, and half of government revenues were going towards paying interest on the debt Years of wars, such as the Seven Years War and American Revolution, had cost a lot of money In order for governments to get out of debt, they usually have to cut spending and raise taxes, which is very unpopular



11 The Estates General The Estates General: legislative body consisting of representatives from the three estates The Estates General had not been summoned by a king in over 175 years, but the wealthy and noblemen wanted it summoned in order to address France’s problems Many “enlightened” people were hoping for an opportunity to reform French society


13 Rebellion in the Estates General
Standard protocol was that each estate would get one vote, even though the third estate represented more than 80% of France Members of the third estate were upset, rebelled, and declared themselves the National Assembly The National Assembly pushed the king for enlightenment reforms, including a constitution King Louis the XVI accepted the reform


15 Fighting Erupts at Bastille
In Paris, the people started to fear that the king was going to send troops to occupy Paris A mob gathered at the Bastille, an old medieval prison that represented France’s abusive monarchy The people stormed the Bastille on July 14th, 1789, and killed the prison guards Blood had been spilled, and French Revolution had now begun


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