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English 10 - 3/17/14 School is not the only place to learn. Write a multiple-paragraph letter to a teacher in which you identify something you remember.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 - 3/17/14 School is not the only place to learn. Write a multiple-paragraph letter to a teacher in which you identify something you remember."— Presentation transcript:

1 English /17/14 School is not the only place to learn. Write a multiple-paragraph letter to a teacher in which you identify something you remember learning outside of school and explain why this has been important to you: do a free write and web. I always wanted to be somebody, but I guess I should have been more specific. Lychnobite – one who works at night and sleeps during the day. Goals – Complete study for HSPE Prep. Homework – Don’t forget to study for Vocab # 25.

2 English 10 – 3/18/14 HSPE Periods 1 and 2.
Would you be willing to commit perjury for a close friend? The sooner you fall behind, the more time you’ll have to catch up. Grammaticaster – a mean verbal snob. Someone that becomes offensive when they hear a grammar error. Goals – Select Songs for Lyric Project Homework – None.

3 English 10 - 3/19/14 HSPE Periods 1 and 2.
How does music affect you personally? Can it change your emotions? How? Lead me not into temptation -- I can find the way myself. Ecodoomster – one who forecasts ecological calamity. Goals – Print lyrics and get songs approved by me. Homework – none.

4 English 10 - 3/20/14 HSPE Periods 1 and 2.
Think about the song you have chosen. Write about the images and feelings it invokes in you. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some people are just out of film. Cockalorum – a very confident little man. Goals – Annotate the lyrics to connect with imagery and meaning in the song. Focus on personal reaction. Homework – none.

5 English 10 - 3/21/14 Five minutes to prepare for vocabulary #25.
Age doesn’t always bring wisdom. Some times age comes alone. Agelast – One who never laughs. Goals – Successfully complete vocabulary #25. Work on connecting images to lyrics to show tone. What tone does the instrumentation add? Homework – None.

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