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American Government and Politics
Chapter 9: Campaigns and Elections
Elections form the foundation of a modern democracy, and more elections are scheduled every year in the United States than in any other country in the world. Collectively on all levels of government, Americans fill more than 500,000 different public offices.
Elections choose political leaders from a competitive field of candidates Elections are also an important form of political participation, with voting in presidential elections one of the most common types of participation by the American public in the political process. Elections give individuals a regular opportunity to replace leaders without overthrowing them, thus making elected officials accountable for their actions.
Elections legitimize positions of power in the political system because people accept elections as a fair method for selecting political leaders.
The Constitution provides for the election of members of the Housed of Representatives every two years, and it creates and defines the electoral college. By law Congress sets the date for national elections – the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. However, most electoral guidelines and rules are still set by the individual states.
How Are Elections Conducted?
Ballots Office-block ballot groups candidates for elective office together under the title of the office States that use the party-column ballot list candidates in columns arranged by political parties Voting by Mail Vote Fraud Failure to purge the electoral rolls of voters who have died or moved opens up possibilities of fraud. Mistakes by Voting Officials. In some locales voting officials have purged many legitimate voters from the rolls by mistake.
Primary Elections Types of Primaries Closed, open, blanket, runoff
Front-Loading the Primaries. Each state determines the date for its primary or caucus Because early primaries are more influential, states have competed to schedule their primaries as early as possible By choosing the nominees so early, there is a long lull in the news between the primaries and the national conventions.
closed primaries - A voter must declare in advance his or her party membership, and on election day votes in that party's election. Most states have closed primaries. open primaries - A voter can decide when he or she enters the voting booth which party's primary to participate in. Only a few states have open primaries. blanket (or free-love) primaries - A voter marks a ballot that lists candidates for all parties, and can select the Republican for one office and a Democrat for another. Only three states have this type - Louisiana, Washington, and Alaska
The National Convention
Seating the Delegates. A credentials committee approves all delegates. This is usually not controversial but there have been disputed delegations in the past. Convention Activities The highlight of the convention is the nomination of the presidential candidate. Because the identity of the nominee is a foregone conclusion, the TV networks have drastically curtailed their coverage of the conventions in recent years.
The Twenty-First Century Campaign
The Changing Campaign Before most households had televisions, campaigning was personalized. Campaigns today are often less personal, with voters receiving information through the media. In the recent decades campaigns have become less party-centered and more candidate-centered. The Professional Campaign It is now commonplace for candidates even for local offices to hire consultants for their campaigns.
The Strategy of Winning
Candidate Visibility and Appeal The Use of Opinion Polls Focus Groups
Costs of campaigns, 2000 All House and Senate campaigns: $1 billion
Average winning House race: $847,000 Average winning Senate race: $7.2 million
Money and Politics: Questions
How do candidates raise and spend campaign funds? How does the government regulate campaign spending? How does money affect how certain social groups achieve electoral success? 21
Sources of Campaign Funds
The Federal Election Commission monitors campaign fundraising Sources of funds include: Direct Mail Political Action Committees The Candidates Parties and Soft Money Public Funding 23
Why do people give money?
Big donors (>$500) Small donors (<$100) Middle aged Young & very old Very wealthy More middle class Solicited by friends, contacted in person Give unsolicited $, solicited in direct mail Give for social, ideological reasons AND consider likelihood of winning Give for mostly expressive/ideological reasons Much more likely to ask others to contribute May be involved through internet or grassroots
What has Congress said? 1971 FECA 1974 FECA Amendments
First disclosure rules Limits candidate self-contributions Limits media expenditures 1974 FECA Amendments Presidential election public funding with spending caps Limits independent expenditures PAC and individual contribution limits (Hard Money) More disclosure requirements Creates Federal Election Commission
The 1976 Amendments allowed corporations, labor unions, and special interest groups to set up political action committees (PACs) to raise money for candidates. Each corporation or labor union is limited to one PAC.
PAC Contributions to Congressional Candidates 1986-2004
PAC Candidate “A” Candidate “B” State Party Committee
Individual Contributor Candidate “A” Individual Contributor $ Individual Contributor $ Candidate “B” $ Individual Contributor $ $ PAC State Party Committee Individual Contributor $ Individual Contributor $ National Party Committee $ $ Individual Contributor Individual Contributor TV & Radio Ads Individual Contributor Individuals can contribute a maximum of $5,000 to a PAC per year
Buckley v. Valeo Challenge to the 1971 FECA which placed limits on how much money a candidate could spend on his or her own campaign. In 1976, the Supreme Court ruled that this provision was unconstitutional. “The candidate, no less than any other person, has a First Amendment right to engage in the discussion of public issues and vigorously and tirelessly to advocate his own election.”
Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA)
Bans national party soft money Limits state party soft money Raises hard money limits
Hard Money limits under BCRA
Individuals: Can give $2,000 per candidate per campaign Can give $25,000 to a party, per year Can give a maximum of $95,000 to candidates, parties, and PACs PACs: Still can give $5,000 to each candidate Still can give $15,000 to each party No limit on overall contributions
The 2002 restrictions of contributions to parties led to the “527” phenomenon of the 2004 presidential campaign. These independent but heavily partisan groups gathered millions of dollars in campaign contributions for both Democratic and Republican candidates.
527 TV & Radio Ads Literature $ $ $ $ $
Individual Contributor Individual Contributor $ Individual Contributor TV & Radio Ads $ Individual Contributor 527 Individual Contributor $ Individual Contributor $ Literature Individual Contributor $ Individual Contributor Individual Contributor There is no limit on the amount of money that individuals can contribute to 527s
Top Ten Democratic 527s in 2004 America Coming Together - NonFederal Account 79,795,487 Joint Victory Campaign 2004 71,811,666 The Media Fund 59,404,183 Service Employees International Union Political Education & Action Fund 48,426,867 AFSCME Special Account 25,144,915 Voter Fund 12,558,215 New Democrat Network Non Federal Account 12,726,158 Citizens for a Strong Senate 10,853,730 Sierra Club Voter Education Fund 87,271,27 EMILYS List Non Federal 77,399,46
Top Ten Republican 527s, 2004 Progress for America Voter Fund
44,929,178 Swift Boat Vets and POWs for Truth 25,758,413 Club for Growth 19,365,903 College Republican National Committee, Inc. 16,830,651 Club for 4,115,037 National Association of Realtors 527 Fund 3,215,263 The November Fund 3,151,170 CA Republican National Convention Delegation 2004 Account 4,393,055 Republican Leadership Coalition, Inc. 2,365,550 National Federation of Republican Women 2,201,533
Soft Money Raised by Parties, 1993-2002
Citizens United vs. FEC Overrules the ban on independent expenditures paid for by corporations or unions out of their treasuries 60 days before an election Overturns ban on independent expenditures from corporate and union treasuries "If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech," - Justice Kennedy
Running for House of Representatives
Every two years all members run. Downside to every two years? Primary Race (same party) Running for the General Election. Incumbents v. Challengers. Advantage? Safe Seats? Coattails Midterm Elections
Running for the Senate Run every 6 years - staggered.
Two from each state. Incumbents have an unbelievable advantage. There is often not a primary from your own party. Very little coattail impact. There are many safe seats. The average Senate election costs over $300 Million.
Running for the Presidency
Deciding to run. Presidential Primaries - for Party Nomination. National Party Convention. Party Platform Vice-President Presidential debates Fundraising - all throughout process Strategy for Electoral College Win
Voter Turnout
Voter Turnout Voter participation in the United States is low compared with other countries. In congressional elections in years when a president is not elected, the turnout rates are lower. Turnout rates are even lower yet for most local elections.
Restrictions on Voting
Historical Restrictions Property Requirements Further Extensions of the Franchise Is the Franchise Still Too Restrictive? Current Eligibility and Registration Requirements
Factors Influencing Who Votes
Age. Education Minority status Income Party competition
Factors Influencing who votes
Why People Do Not Vote Uninformative media coverage and negative campaigning Apathy External Efficacy Loss of Confidence Poor Choices
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