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“Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.”

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Presentation on theme: "“Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.”
1/14/2019 Title: Biology 2/28/07 Objectives: To assess learning about autosomal human genetic disorders, sex-linked traits, pedigree analysis and environmental affects on allele frequencies. Class Topics Hand in “Inherited Human Traits”, “Chapter 8 Review 1” & “Chapter 8 Review 2” before the bell rings Review Chapter 8 Quiz 3 Notes – genetic counseling Chapter 8 Test Review Lab – Natural Selection and Allele Frequency “Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.” Kahlil Gibran Monday, January 14, :34 AM

2 Class Assignments Lab – Inherited Human Traits 2/28/07
1/14/2019 Class Assignments What By When Lab – Inherited Human Traits 2/28/07 Chap 8 Review 1 2/28/07 Chap 8 Review 2 2/28/07 Chapter 8 Test 3/2/07 Lab – Natural Selection and Allele Frequency 3/2/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 1/14/2019 Grade Sheet 2A – p. 157 (5 pts.)

4 Gene Therapy Replacing defective gene Cystic fibrosis
1/14/2019 Gene Therapy Replacing defective gene Cystic fibrosis Incorporated into virus Inject DNA into cell Stem cell research What’s a stem cell? How would this help? Genetic counseling Use pedigrees Make determinations about whether people could have children with disorders

5 Natural Selection and Allele Frequency lab
1/14/2019 Natural Selection and Allele Frequency lab

6 1/14/2019

7 1/14/2019

8 Test Review topics Terms Peas Mendel’s Cross Punnett squares
1/14/2019 Test Review topics Terms Genetics, heredity, phenotype, genotype, homozygous, heterozygous, dominant Peas Mendel’s Cross Punnett squares Monohybrid crosses Ratios Multiple alleles Test cross Codominance Incomplete dominance Multiple alleles Pedigree analysis Laws Segregation, independent assortment Genetic diseases Sickle cell, hemophilia, Huntingtons, color blind

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