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Surface Areas of Polyhedra and Spheres

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1 Surface Areas of Polyhedra and Spheres
Lesson 8.8 Surface Areas of Polyhedra and Spheres pp

2 Objectives: 1. To state and apply the formula for surface area of a sphere. 2. To name the regular polyhedra. 3. To state and apply the formulas for surface area of regular polyhedra.

3 Definition A sphere is the set of all points in space equidistant from a given point.


5 center

6 radius

7 great circle

8 Two great circles separate the sphere into four sections, or lunes.

9 Theorem 8.18 The surface area of a sphere is 4 times the square of the radius: S = 4r2.

10 EXAMPLE 1 Find the surface area of the sphere.
8 s = 4r2 s = 482 s = 256 sq. units ≈ 804 sq. units

11 Practice: Find the surface area.
7 m

12 Definition A regular polyhedron is a polyhedron with faces bounded by congruent regular polygons and with the same number of faces intersecting at each vertex.

13 There are only five regular polyhedra possible:
regular hexagon (cube), regular tetrahedron, regular octahedron, regular dodecahedron, and regular icosahedron.

14 tetrahedron hexahedron octahedron dodecahedron icosahedron



17 Theorem 8.19 The surface area of a regular polyhedron is the product of the number of faces and the area of one face: S = nA.

18 EXAMPLE 2 Blake sells calendars in the shape of a regular dodecahedron
EXAMPLE 2 Blake sells calendars in the shape of a regular dodecahedron. To make sure the calendar for a month would fit on a side, he designed the area of one face to cover 3 square inches. Find the total surface area. The dodecahedron has 12 sides, so: S = nA = 12(3) = 36 sq. inches

19 Practice: Find the area of a regular octahedron with one face of area 15 square inches.

20 Practice: Find the total surface area of a regular icosahedron with edge 5.
4 3 Aequil. triangle = s2 4 3 25 = 5

21 Practice: Find the total surface area of a regular icosahedron with edge 5.
S = nA ÷ ø ö ç è æ 4 3 25 = 20 5 = ≈ sq. units

22 Homework pp

23 ►A. Exercises Find the total surface area of each sphere. 1. 4

24 ►A. Exercises 5. The surface area of a sphere is  square yards. What is the length of its radius?

25 7. dodecahedron 9. octahedron
►A. Exercises Regular Number Number Number polyhedron of faces of edges of vertices 7. dodecahedron octahedron

26 11. An octahedron with one face of area 10 square inches
►A. Exercises Give the surface area of each regular polyhedron. 11. An octahedron with one face of area 10 square inches

27 ►B. Exercises 17. What is the diameter of a softball that has a surface area of 324 square centimeters?

28 29. The intersection of all faces of a polyhedron
■ Cumulative Review Identify each set by name. 29. The intersection of all faces of a polyhedron

29 30. The intersection of two sides of a triangle
■ Cumulative Review Identify each set by name. 30. The intersection of two sides of a triangle

30 31. The intersection of two faces of a tetrahedron
■ Cumulative Review Identify each set by name. 31. The intersection of two faces of a tetrahedron

31 ■ Cumulative Review Identify each set by name. 32. The intersection of a right pyramid with a plane containing the altitude of the pyramid

32 ■ Cumulative Review Identify each set by name. 33. The intersection of the lateral surface of a cylinder with a plane parallel to the bases

33 Formulas Square A = s2 Rectangle A = bh Parallelogram A = bh
Triangle A = ½bh Trapezoid A = ½h(b1 + b2) Rhombus A = ½d1d2 Equilateral triangle A = s2 Regular polygon A = ½ap Circle A = r2 4 3

34 Formulas Surface area of a prism S = L + 2B
Lateral surface area right prism L = pH Surface area of a cylinder S = L + 2B Lateral surface area right cylinder L = cH Surface area of a pyramid S = L + B Lateral surface area reg. pyramid L = ½pl Surface area of a cone S = L + B Lateral surface area cone L = ½cl Surface area of a sphere S = 4r2 Surface area of a reg. polyhedron S = nA

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