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International Organizations

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1 International Organizations
SS.7.C.4.2 – Recognize government and citizen participation in international organizations.

2 “You Do” – CHAMPs voice level 0 (no talking)
Each member in a group will receive a reading about an international organization. You are to read and complete the Your Report section of your handout.

3 “You Do” – CHAMPs voice level 2 (conversation)
You will now take turns presenting your organization to the group Only 1 person per group is talking at this time, the remainder of the group members are taking notes.

4 United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Headquartered in New York, New York 193 countries are involved Main focus is on the rights and well-being of children around the world. Roles To overcome the obstacles of poverty, violence, disease, discrimination Example of something they do Give vaccines to children

5 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
1994 3 countries involved United States, Canada, and Mexico Reason it exists To establish a “free trade” zone in North America Roles Eliminate tariffs (taxes) on goods traded between the 3 nations Example of something they do Cars made in America and sold in Canada are not taxed for crossing the border

6 “You Do” – Voice Level 1 (Whisper)
Complete chart – bring to me for grading Workbook pgs. 371 – 373

7 Reading and Note-taking – “We Do”
International Organizations - Intergovernmental Organization - Non-governmental Organization –

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