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Write down the following questions / prompts in your notebooks w/ spaces in between: In preparation for viewing a few video clips from “The Roosevelts.

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Presentation on theme: "Write down the following questions / prompts in your notebooks w/ spaces in between: In preparation for viewing a few video clips from “The Roosevelts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write down the following questions / prompts in your notebooks w/ spaces in between:
In preparation for viewing a few video clips from “The Roosevelts – Get Action” about Theodore Roosevelt (min. 37 – 53 & 1:19 – 1:27)… (1) Describe Theodore Roosevelt, both his personality and reasons for success. (2) How do the events of Feb. 14, 1884 and living in the Dakota Territory in the 1880’s change his life? (3) Why did he fight in the Spanish-American War?

2 “Progressive Reform Era”
“Age of Imperialism” 1870s 1892 1912 1920 Urbanization, Industrialization, Immigration, and the Rise of Industry and wealth within our Nation U.S. involvement in Hawaii, Philippines, Cuba, Latin America, etc. “Progressive Reform Era” 1890s 1917 1901 1920 ** How do we address problems arising from … industrialization (big business, labor strife) urbanization (slums, political machines, corruption) inequality & social injustice (women & racism)

3 Theodore Roosevelt (1858 – 1919)
(1858 – 1919)      Lives in North Africa / Middle East (Develops passion of hunting)    Graduates Harvard    Marries first wife (22 yrs old) Wife and mother die Moves to Dakota Territory Remarries & begins 2nd family  Becomes Assistant Secretary of the Navy Resigns position to fight in Spanish American War Presidency (one of the most popular in American History) Loses presidential election

4 1890 Census ** The data reported famously the end of the “American frontier.” ** From “conquest of the West” to “establishing colonies.”

5 Manifest Destiny “American Progress” by John Gast

6 Annexing the Philippines – President William McKinley telling of how he came to the decision
What are the reasons President William McKinley decides annex the Philippines, (based upon his prayer of Sept., 1901)? “I walked the floor of the White House night after night until midnight, and I am not ashamed to tell you, gentlemen, that I went down on my knees and prayed to God Almighty for light and guidance more than one night. And one night late it came to me this way – I don’t know how it was, but it came. One, that we could not give the Philippines back to Spain – that would be cowardly and dishonorable. Two, that we could not turn them over to France or Germany – our commercial rivals in the Orient – that would be bad business and discreditable. Three, that we could not leave them to themselves – they were unfit for self-government – and they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain’s was. And, four, that there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift them and civilize and Christianize them …”

7 Imperialism The economic and political domination of a stronger nation or people over a weaker one

8 Charles Darwin “Social Darwinism” is derived from …
Idea of “Natural Selection” “Survival of the Fittest”


10 Loved “Social Darwinism”

11 Social Darwinism & the European Takeover of Africa!!!

12 - Berlin Conference, Divided up Africa into “spheres of influence” - Committed to “free trade” - Committed to end slavery in Africa

13 Africa, 1912, based upon 1884-85 Conference

14 Justification for Imperialism – Great Britain
“what could be done if the moral authority of England were distributed across the earth – to tackle the evils of slavery, ignorance and paganism at the source, to teach simpler peoples the benefits of Steam, Free Trade and Revealed Religion, and to establish not a world empire in the bad Napoleonic sense, but a Moral Empire of loftier intent.” Moralism … A new “Manifest Destiny”

15 Eugenics False science of racial identity based on physical features
Eugenics False science of racial identity based on physical features. Jews were considered racially inferior to “Aryans.”


17 Write down the following questions / prompts in your notebooks w/ spaces in between:
In preparation for viewing a few video clips from “The Roosevelts – Get Action” about Theodore Roosevelt (min. 37 – 53 & 1:19 – 1:27)… (1) Describe Theodore Roosevelt, both his personality and reasons for success. (2) How do the events of Feb. 14, 1884 and living in the Dakota Territory in the 1880’s change his life? (3) Why did he fight in the Spanish-American War?

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