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Be sincere. Say it like you would want to be said to you

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1 Be sincere. Say it like you would want to be said to you
FEEDBACK TIPS - PLANNING TOOL FOR MANAGERS For performance management to be effective, it needs to be an ongoing discussion. Feedback is key to performance management discussions. Discuss with your team practical ways they can get more feedback on their performance. What's important is that staff also take responsibility for gathering it regular & then using it to determine what they are doing well and what areas you need to improve on. GIVING Feedback SEEKING Feedback RECEIVING Feedback It works – feedback is used to help encourage, support your peers and team members to be better at what they do. Don’t wait to give it – its more valuable when given at time you see it and in a trusted atmosphere. Tell them what you saw – using an example. Explain what you liked or caused you concern and then what they should start, stop or continue doing. Be sincere. Say it like you would want to be said to you Don't’ wait – Seek it out - ask for it? There are lots of opportunity to ask for it – after a meeting, after a milestone, after & during a project, participate in peer teaching review arrangements. Ask for it via , chat or face to face? Be specific about what you are looking for feedback on. Say thank you and decide how to use it to improve your performance. Welcome it! Listen and consider how your actions are perceived and understood by others and try not to take it personally. Take a self reflective approach when considering feedback. Ask questions to understand better the feedback. Say thank you without it you would have never have known.

Considerations when giving feedback What is the purpose of my feedback? Is it constructive & helpful? Am I providing clear, specific information & examples to support my feedback? Am I telling the employee what I saw - observations? Remember -Say it like you would want it said to you. Considerations when receiving feedback Do I understand the feedback – what it is about? Should I ask more questions ? Could I have done better? Am I being defensive ? What will I do with it now? How can I use it?

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