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What’s new in travelling exhibitions?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s new in travelling exhibitions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s new in travelling exhibitions?
presents What’s new in travelling exhibitions?

2 Fly away with Charles Darwin
Understand Darwin’s thought process; An interactive and immersive journey; Historical context and the reception of his ideas; Sciences of evolution now. Intro BD Pensée de Darwin souvent mal comprise Understand Darwin’s thought based on his original scientific approach and the notions explaining his theory of evolution; An interactive and immersive journey following his life and guiding us through his thought process Historical context and the reception of his ideas in a society where science is liberating from religion; Sheds a light on the sciences of evolution now.

3 An itinerary in 7 sections
Follow the pathway An itinerary in 7 sections 7 sections to show the various steps Darwin took to elaborate his theory A long process  7 sections to show this special process « Darwin in his garden » 8th section – optional  living animals (earthworms)

4 Be immersed into his theory and his life
Darwin reasonning and theory were modern in this XIXth century  mixing traditional naturalist drawings at that time and contemporrary design and exhibits Immersion also in his life = Darwin intimate life to better understand the man behind the theory Also help understand that all the misinterpretations afterwards were totally wrong! A scenography mixing historical naturalist drawings of the 19th century and a contemporary universe.

5 Experiment like Darwin
Interactive exhibits using high-tech and innovative devices 6 multimedia exhibits 7 interactive hands-on exhibits 4 hybrid exhibits 7 videos + a background sound for a special atmosphere (animals sounds and natural noises)

6 Observe the development of a theory
The exhibitions aims at showing the process: the visitors are invited to also reflect and think like Darwin Darwin used to observe and read a lot Hands-on exhibits but mock-ups invite the visitor to think, to elaborate a reasoning This is an exhibition not only about Darwin’s theory but also about « how scientists build a theory », about the scientific reasoning Learn to OBSERVE just as Darwin did Act like a naturalist and a scientist

7 Good to know A 900 sq.m version (possible to downsize)
Available in 3 languages Available from Fall 2016 For an audience from 10 y.o and upwards Produced by Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, in collaboration with the National Natural History Museum in Paris We invite you to enjoy a visit in Paris – on show until July 31st Or now on our booth through a video of the exhibition

8 Visit us on Booth #21 – Universcience Or now on our booth through a video of the exhibition And we will be happy to offer you a Darwin bag!

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