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1/14/2019 CENRAL SOUTHERN MINI PROGRAMME AND OPERATION REVIEW Great Rift Valley Lodge- Naivasha Kenya (Bay, Bakool, Gedo Region) Regions Population WCBA.

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Presentation on theme: "1/14/2019 CENRAL SOUTHERN MINI PROGRAMME AND OPERATION REVIEW Great Rift Valley Lodge- Naivasha Kenya (Bay, Bakool, Gedo Region) Regions Population WCBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/14/2019 CENRAL SOUTHERN MINI PROGRAMME AND OPERATION REVIEW Great Rift Valley Lodge- Naivasha Kenya (Bay, Bakool, Gedo Region) Regions Population WCBA (23%) <5 (17%) Bay 655,564 150,780 111,446 Bakool 225,450 51,854 38,327 Gedo 375,280 86,314 63,798 Total 1,256,294 288,948 213,571 1/14/2019

2 Highlights of IDPS status for Bay, Bakool and Gedo as 10 January 2007
IDP Location IDP Name Estimated HH Current Situation of the IDPS. Remark Baidoa BP-1 Arrived ), Poor shelter, poverty, Unicef initiated water project and 20 pit HH latrines. ADC Arrived during 4-20 December (most of them expelled Baidoa presidential building area, Idaale conflict, land opportunists. UNCEF provided FRK 250 families, construction of 20 latrines, connecting water taps is going on. ONAT Arrived during 4-20 December (most of them expelled Baidoa presidential building area, Idaale conflict, land opportunists UNCEF provided FRK 160 families, construction of 20 latrines, connecting water taps is going on. Animal Market 80-100 Arrived 17 December 2006, No support yet done Horseed/Howadaag Living scattered location Supported SFP though DMO MCH, WFP provided different times food ration for the past years. Qardha/Idaale Idaale/Qardah Arrived during Hubeer Yantaar conflict, drought) . High risk of dead bodies, poor shelter, 1/14/2019

3 1/14/2019 IDPS Locations IDPS Name Estimated HH
Current Situation of the IDPS. Remark Dinsor Jameeca IDP 2004- Conflict between Elay and Tuni, some of them are also economic migration. Measles and Polio vaccination done. Due to lack of poor LA, the access for HIA was blocked several times Dinsor/Misire Abdulle Hassan Clan conflict 2004,drought and other ecomic migration. (poor shelter, Sanitations, lack of clean water) land issues. Normally vaccinated measles. Due to lack of poor LA, the access for HIA was blocked several times Qansaxdhere Hawalbarbaar/Qansaxdhere (poor shelter, lack of sanitation facilities, Hubeer/Yantaar conflict 2004, drought, Most of these are mixed or living with their close families. About 17 villages were burned in these area during Hubeer and Yantar conflict 2004. Wajid, Bakol Wajid (Measalah,Lehelay, (poor shelter).. Conflict, drought, returnees. Originally it was estimated 1800 families, and believed some of Host communities attempting to benefit the IDPS WFP/UNICEF Supported sanitation facilities, school tents, rehabilitation of shallow wells, food provided. B/Hawo Bulahawo Town (poor shelter, lack of proper sanitation facilities, Conflict, drought and economic opportunist. CARE supports Food. Total Estimated IDPS Families of IDPS. Note the figure are changing on daily. Some location are increasing while other IDPS are returning to their original locations. 1/14/2019

4 UNHCR – map on IPDS as of 15 January 07

5 4 Key Achievements Reached a significant number of vulnerable drought affected communities in Bay, Bakool, Gedo and some part of M/Jubba regions for Water trucking life saving activities. And thus, without incident on water struggle. 1/14/2019

6 Key Achievements A slight show of Education facilities increased in the villages of Bay and Gedo regions, though a along way go. 1/14/2019

7 Key Achievement All districts of Bay, Bakool , Gedo and Middle and Lower Juba region (26 districts for total of /9m-15y) successfully conducted measles and mop up campaigns, despite the difficulties of security and limited resources in Baidoa Office. 1/14/2019

8 4 Key Achievements Reached and supported Salagle burned Village (1200)in Middle Jubba with the support of TFG. And UNICEF was the first HA to assist New Baidoa IDPS, though, a lot to yet to work on(351 FRK Provided) . 1/14/2019

9 1/14/2019

10 2 Programme constraints
Lack of effective partners for emergency intervention activities and Emergency comes first ,but resource are not physically there. 1/14/2019

11 Constraints Limited access to Rural and Nomadic intervention activities (health, Water ,Education and Protection). 1/14/2019

12 Way forward Train TFG Institutions, CBOs for emergency preparedness and response and viable Continues Capacity Building. Increase access to rural areas using the effective measures for suitable programmes with strong culture and reliable partners on the ground. 1/14/2019

13 Baidoa Partner review meeting/TFG/Bay, Regional & Different Partner 13/11/20006

14 Way forward .. Proper Partner mapping in sectoral programme interventions, acceptable population catchments and strong coordination mechanism and clear accountably. 1/14/2019

15 Way Forward … Advocate Community participation and community own plans. 1/14/2019

16 Any Question, Comments, or Clarification (QCC)?
Monday, January 14, 2019Monday, January 14, 2019

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