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Stuck in a Thinking Rut Sometimes, we get “stuck in a thinking rut” and need to change our thinking! We should try to change our thoughts if we are: - Thinking negative things about others Using negative self-talk Using stereotypes Getting in trouble because of our thoughts You will probably need to explain that a “rut” is like a hole– don’t get stuck! After teaching this information to the students, illustrate the thinking rut point by using these mind games: “Say “joke” six times fast.” (joke joke joke joke joke joke) “What is the white part of the egg called?” (they will probably say ‘yolk,’ but the answer is ‘egg white’) “Say “white” six times fast.” (white white white white white white) “What do cows drink?” (they will probably say ‘milk,’ but the answer is ‘water’) Sometimes, our gut reaction/first reactions aren’t correct. We might get stuck in those thoughts, though, and that can lead to missed opportunities, conflict, frustration, and confusion. If the way you are thinking (and, because of this, acting) isn’t helping you be successful and happy, change that thinking! Don’t get stuck in a thinking rut! Be willing to try out new ideas, especially if they come from trusted sources (teachers, parents, close friends, etc) and are safe.
Stop and Think! Before you speak, stop and think!
Before you correct others, stop and think! Before you tattle, stop and think! Before you decide to argue about differences, stop and think! If you are stuck in a thinking rut, stop and think! Have students recite the underlined words as you read through this slide. Illustrate “stop and think” by having them do hand motions– a hand up and out for “stop” and a finger pointing at the head for “think” Practice stop and think by trying these new thinking games: Teacher: Spell "hop.“ (H-O-P) Spell "mop.“ (M-O-P) Spell "top.“ (T-O-P) Before you answer, STOP and THINK. What do you do at a green light? (they may say “stop,” but if they practiced Stop and Think, they probably said “go.” Teacher: Spell "roast.“ Spell "coast.“ Spell "most.“ Before you answer, STOP and THINK. What do you put in a toaster? (bread is the answer if they stop and think) Q: If a red house is made with red bricks, a blue house is made with blue bricks, a pink house is made with pink bricks, a black house is made with black bricks, what is a greenhouse made with? A: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said "green bricks," you didn’t STOP and THINK. Q: Without using a calculator—You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in Wales. In London, 17 people get on the bus. In Reading, six people get off the bus and nine people get on. In Swindon, two people get off and four get on. In Cardiff, 11 people get off and 16 people get on. In Swansea, three people get off and five people get on. In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on. You then arrive at Milford Haven. Now, what was the name of the bus driver? A: It was you! If you said anything else, you didn’t STOP and THINK. Q: Thirty years ago, a plane is flying at 20,000 feet over Germany. If you will recall, Germany at the time was politically divided into West Germany and East Germany. Anyway, during the flight, TWO of the engines fail. The pilot, realizing that the last remaining engine is also failing, decides on a crash landing. Unfortunately, the engine fails before he has time and the plane crashes smack in the middle of "no-man's-land" between East Germany and West Germany. Where would you bury the survivors—East Germany or West Germany or in "no-man's-land?" A: You don't, of course, bury the survivors. If you said ANYTHING else, you didn’t STOP and THINK.
Most students will say 5000. The answer is 4100
Most students will say The answer is After the first round, have them answer out loud and make them stop and think at the final addition step.
He Didn’t Stop and Think
Play from 32:15-35:29 After the clip, discuss what would have happened if he had just remembered to stop and think!
Cup Stacking Game Your goal: In your teams, make the highest stack of cups in 2 minutes Spy: Close your eyes; your teacher will tap one person in each group on the shoulder. This person should secretly try to sabotage the goal. Don’t get caught! Make teams of 4-5 students and give them 10 cups each. When you are choosing a spy, skip a few groups– Some groups will think they have a spy, but really they do not. Discussion: Spy- Did you figure out the spy? How did you figure it out? How did you change your behavior based on knowing who the spy was? Some groups did not have spies at all! You thought there was a spy. How did that change your behavior? How do deal with someone’s anger- When someone is mad (like, say, because of the spy component of this game), they can act out towards others in ways that damage relationships. If someone is mad at you, STOP and THINK: Will my response help or hurt this situation? Is their anger probably temporary or permanent? What kind of relationship do I want to have with them when their anger is gone? If someone is angry with you, they aren’t thinking clearly. They should STOP and THINK. You get to be the calm person that uses phrases like “let’s talk about this later” or “It seems like you are angry. How can I help you?” With time, repeat this activity, but without the spy aspect. See if they can make a taller tower!
Notebook Advertisement
In your notebooks, create a full-page advertisement to teach others to “STOP and THINK” Use color, pictures, and words!
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