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Anatomy of the Digestive System

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1 Anatomy of the Digestive System
Organ System Cluster Prepared by: Maria Michaela Valenzuela, PTRP

2 Reference Seeley, R., Stephens, T., and Tate, P., Anatomy & Physiology. 8th ed. McGraw Hill Company Inc., (2008) Snell, R., Clinical Anatomy by Regions. 8th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2008)

3 Regional Division of the Abdomen
Used to facilitate location of the various organs of the abdominal cavity.

4 Abdominal quadrants: 4 – note umbilicus is used as reference
Abdominal regions:9 – note lines used: *upper horizontal - transpyloric plane (L1) *lower horizontal – intertubercular plane (L5) *vertical – pass midpoint between ASIS & symph pubis

5 Organs of the Digestive System
Alimentary tract: main passage of food Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Intestines Accessory Organs Teeth Tongue Salivary Glands Liver Pancreas

6 Histology of the Alimentary Canal
Mucosa Innermost Stratified squamous, simple columnar cells Absorption Submucosa Connective tissue Secretory function Meissner’s plexus of nerve cells

7 Histology of the Alimentary Canal
Muscularis Inner layer of circular smooth muscle Outer layer of longitudinal smooth muscle Myenteric Plexus of nerve cells Motility function Serosa Outermost Visceral peritoneum


9 Alimentary Tract: Mouth
Anteriorly: teeth Posteriorly: fauces (throat) Laterally: cheeks Superiorly: palate Inferiorly: muscular floor

10 Alimentary Tract: Mouth
Divisions Anterior vestibule Posterior oral cavity proper

11 Accessory Organ: Tongue
Muscular structure occupying floor of the oral cavity Attached to the floor by frenulum Intrinsic & extrinsic muscles

12 Vestibule, hard palate, soft palate, uvula, palatine tonsils, tongue, lingual frenulum

13 Accessory Organ: Teeth
32, distributed over dental arches 1 central incisor 1 lateral incisor 1 canine 2 pre molars 3 molars


15 Accessory Organs: Salivary Glands
Parotid Anterior to the ear Sublingual Lie below mucous membrane of the oral cavity floor Submandibular Inferior border of the posterior half of the mandible


17 Alimentary Tract: Pharynx
Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Stratified squamous epthelium  Transmit food

18 Alimentary Tract: Esophagus
Extends between the pharynx & stomach 25 cm long Mediastinum, posterior to trachea, anterior to vertebrae Sphincters UES LES

19 Alimentary Tract: Stomach
Divisions Fundus Body Pyloric Greater & Lesser Curvature Sphincters Cardiac

20 Fundus, body, pylorus, LES (cardiac sphicnter), , lesser curvature, greater curvature, pyloric sphicnter

21 Alimentary Tract: Stomach
Serosa – visceral peritoneum Muscularis Longitudinal Circular Oblique Mucosal layer with rugae

22 Alimentary Tract: Small Intestine
6 m long Where greatest amount of digestion & absorption take place Divisions Duodenum Jejunum Illeum

23 Alimentary Tract: Small Intestine
Duodenum Short superior part Duodenal papilla (minor & major) for entry of common bile duct Mucosa & submucosa thrown into folds plica circulares Microvilli

24 Alimentary Tract: Small Intestine
Jejunum & Illeum Smaller in diameter Jejunum: Major site of absorption (with duodenum) Submucosal Lymphatic nodules: Peyer’s patches Ileocecal junction with ileocecal valve


26 Accessory Organ: Liver
Largest organ 1.36 kg ® upper quadrant against the inferior surface of diaphragm Lobes (L) & ® Caudate quadrate

27 Accessory Organ: Gall Bladder
Sac-like structure on inferior surface of liver 8cm long, 4cm wide 3 tunics


29 Accessory Organ: Pancreas
Endocrine & Exocrine functions 2 types of cells Acini Islet Parts Head projecting on the duodenum Body projecting towards the spleen tail


31 Alimentary Tract: Large Intestine
From ileocecal junction to anus Divisions Cecum Colon Rectum Anal canal

32 Alimentary Tract: Large Intestine
Cecum Proximal Attachment of appendix Colon Ascending colon & ® colic flexure Transverse colon & left colic flexure Descending colon

33 Alimentary Tract: Large Intestine
Colon 3 bands of Longitudinal muscle: teniae coli Outpouching called haustra Fatty tags: appendices epiploicae Rectum & Anus Muscular tube lined with Simple columnar epithelium Internal & External Anal Spincter

34 Thank You for Listening!

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