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Hi everybody, I’m Paolo and I’m 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi everybody, I’m Paolo and I’m 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi everybody, I’m Paolo and I’m 17.
I come from the north of Italy, near Milan.

2 Hobbies In my freetime I usually go out with my friends, I play with my Playstation 3 and I listen to music. Three times a week I workout at the gym!

3 My family In my family there are four people: me, my mother, my father and my sister. I like my family even if sometimes we have many arguments.

4 My school I attend I.T.C. “Don Primo Mazzolari” in Verolanuova. We study foreign languages so I’m learning English, French and Spanish! It was a little bit hard but with a good study you can make it ;)

5 So that’s all, folks! I wish to see you as soon as possible… Byeee!

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