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2 GPS SAASM Two types of GPS receivers: Coarse Acquisition (C/A commercial) code and P/Y Code Selective Availability Anti- Spoofing Module (SAASM) C/A code = Commercial (70% application) P/Y code SAASM code = Military environment (30%)

3 GPS SAASM and order process
Mission critical applications require protection from jamming and spoofing C/A code or SPS can be denied Established programs - BWC orders the receivers (cost is included in the product price) New programs – Gov-t provides the receivers via GFE or an authorization letter for BWC to order New directive waiver thru 2019

4 SAASM compliant PTS PTS SAASM – delivered over 500 units Redundant GPS (SAASM and C/A code) Rub oscillator comes standard Can sync from external GPS receiver 10MHZ, IRIG B, 1PPS outputs Ethernet port 10/100 BaseT, RS232 Web Browser control Timing accuracy <40ns RMS to UTC Built hardened for ship board, airborne and lab applications, NSN PN approved Older design

5 SAASM compliant FRU FRU SAASM is a stable GPS disciplined frequency reference GPS SAASM receiver 10x10 MHZ outputs with high isolation <100dB 2 independent Ethernet ports 10/100 baseT vibration and shock qualified optional low phase noise OCXO or Rub + OCXO Meets MIL STD A for SHF terminals

6 SAASM compliant TRU Timing Reference Unit is an ultra stable GPS disciplined timing source -GPS SAASM (C/A is available) receiver -5 x buffered IRIG outputs -5 x buffered 1PPS outputs -1 x 10MHZ output -2 independent Ethernet ports 10/100 baseT -vibration and shock qualified Meets MIL STD A

7 Competition differentiator
SAASM compliant MMC Competition differentiator MODULAR MASTER CLOCK w/SAASM MMC has two chassis sizes for all your timing needs 1U (non hot swappable) has 5 available slots 20 outputs 2 U (hot swappable) has 12 available slots 48 outputs All with allowing redundant MCM modules, power supplies Three key areas where the MMC is unmatched User Interface Experience Full Color Touch Screen GUI Comprehensive Management Utility Connectivity Creating a manageable time and frequency network Integrity Security of timing by detecting failed references Security of management using authentication, privacy and passwords

8 SAASM compliant MMC Modular master clock (MMC) starts with Master clock module (MCM) Standard Outputs on basic MCM: 1PPS (2), IRIG B, Have Quick, 50 bit BCD, 10 MHZ (if no GPS option), Alarm relay Network Time Protocol (NTP), network security (SNMP v3) Optional Outputs based on plug in Modules: Universal ( Time Codes and pulses) Frequency Synthesizer (Telecom) Module Low Noise Frequency Module – 5MHZ, 10MHZ NTP Module (Gigabit Ethernet module is in works) Optical Crosslink Module

9 SAASM compliant MMC MCM MCM GPS MGU Power Supply Power Supply GPS
2018 Brandywine Sales Meeting SAASM compliant MMC MCM (Master Clock Module) GPS MCM (Master Clock Module) 1PPS, HQ GPS 1PPS (2), HQ, IRIG B, BCD, 5MHz, 10MHz IRIG B OSM OPTICAL Cs 10MHz MGU Management and Control (SNMP, NTP) OSM Output Signal Module 1 UNIVERSAL (PPS, PPM, HQ, IRIG, 100kHz) Telecom E1/T1 MAINTENANCE CLOCK, DATA, PPS Touch Screen LPN ANALOG 1,5,10MHz Power Supply Power Supply NTP 12

MGU MGU MCM (Master Clock DUAL FEED SDU SLAVE OF SLAVE SDU MCM (Master Clock Complex Scenario with multiple user locations As long as one primary reference is available, integrity is guaranteed across the entire chain Internal Stratum concept prevents timing loops

11 SAASM compliant MMC Redundancy Hardware redundancy of all clocks
Resiliency No loss of performance with any single clock failure No loss of performance with any single GPS failure Centralized system management using control status over crosslink Holdover in the event of loss of all GPS Detection of failed GPS due to spoofing

12 What’s next M code The next generation of GPS satellites
Stronger signal Better security


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