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The Signs of the Last Day
Imam Mahdi – Family The Prophet saw informed of us many events that will happen before the Day of Judgment and one of these is the coming of Imam Mahdi. He will be a person from the family of Prophet saw. Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud ra reports that the Prophet saw said, “This world will not come to an end until the Arabs are ruled by a man from my family whose name will be the same as mine (reffering to Imam Mahdi).” Just like the Prophet saw his fathers name will be Abdullah. His title is “Al- Mahdi”, meaning “The guided one”.
Signs before the Mahdi Before the arrival of the Mahdi there will be a lot of corruption. Evil will spread. Many battles and wars will take place and people will be suffering all over the world. Imam Mahdi will leave Madinah and go to Makkah. In Makkah people will go to Imam Mahdi between Al- Hjar al- Aswad and the Maqam Ibrahim and choose him as a leader Thereafter a huge army will make their way from Syria to attack the Muslim. However by the will of Allah they will be swallowed up by the ground in in a palce called Baida, which is between Makkah and Madinah. Abu Said al- Khudri ra has narrated that the Prophet saw said,” He (Imam Mahdi) will be sent at a time when there will be many conflicts and differences among the people.”
The army of Mahdi When the people of Iraq, Madinah and other Muslim countries see this miracle, a large number of them will come forward and accept him as a leader. Then a person from the Quraish will send an army to attack him, but they will be overpowered and defeated by the Muslims. Then Imam Mahdi will distribute the booty.
The Companions and Dajjal
The Prophet saw described Dajjal in so much detail that the companions used to think that he could be creeping in the bushes. The Prophet saw said while describing him, “The Dajjal is curly haired, his left eye is blind and the other eye looks like a floating grape.”
Dajjal’s parents His father will be tall and thin and his nose will be pointed. His mother will be fat with two long hands. They will both remain thirty years without a child. After that a one eyed son will be born whose heart will remain awake while his eyes will sleep.
The tricks of Dajjal The Prophet saw warned us about Dajjal that he will be the greatest test for people. He will have special powers and will claim to be the Messiah and eventually he will claim to be God. He will order the sky to rain for those who believe in him. Dajjal will be able to perform many tricks and one of the tricks will be that he will be able to kill a young man and bring him back to life.
The return of Isa (عليه السلام) and the death of Dajjal
Isa (alaihis salaam) will come on a night when the people will be busy getting ready for war. Isa (alaihis salaam) will come down being carried by two angels near a white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus. This will be at Fajr time and Imam Mahdi will hand over the leadership to Isa (alaihis salaam). Later upon seeing Isa (alaihis salaam) ,Isa (alaihis salaam) will spit at him and Dajjal would begin to melt and dissolve away. He will chase him to the gate of Ludd, which is a place in Palestine, now taken over by the Israeils. Isa (alaihis salaam) will hit him on the chest with a weapon and kill him. The Muslims will defeat the army of Dajjal.
The time after Dajjal After the death of Dajjal and the defeat of his army, the remaining people of the Book will become Muslim. Isa (alaihis salaam) will get rid of Christianity by killing pigs, which the Christians wrongfully began to eat and by breaking the cross. There will be a time of great peacefulness and calmness in which Isa (alaihis salaam) will get married and have children.
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