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Activity Report XVIII UEF Congress August 2013 Saariselkä, Finland

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1 Activity Report XVIII UEF Congress August 2013 Saariselkä, Finland
Anna Petrakieva Assistant Secretary UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

2 UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013
Scope of work UEF Meetings; Secretary tasks - flow of information; UEF Home page; UEF History book UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

3 UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013
UEF Meetings 30.11 – PM + RTM in Brussels; 28 – March PM in Rome; Meeting with CONAF Management Board; 29 – 30 October PM Meeting Madrid; Meeting with PROFOR Management Board 13 – 14 Mach PM Meeting Brussels; UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

4 Contacts with potential new members
Contacts with the Macedonian Foresters Organization Contacts with a new Serbian Foresters Organization – ForTri UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

5 UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013
Flow of information Distribution of information among members and members organizations; UEF Presidency letters Newsletters of other EU organizations; Professional vacancies announcements etc. UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

6 UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013
UEF Home Page Updating of information in the UEF web-site; Filling up missing information in the web-site; New sections about RTM and other meetings; UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

7 UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013
UEF Visibility Participation in the first Forest Information Bilboard; In collaboration with H. Némoz-Rajot we elaborated the new UEF Business card UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

8 UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013
UEF History Project Started – January 2012; Ended – July 2013; Collection of information: 17 Congresses; 2 Extraordinary Congresses; 18 Governing Council Meetings; Visit to Kees Mol; Very good cooperation with Karlheinz Stephan; Contacts with representatives from all present and former member organizations UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

9 UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013
UEF History Book UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

10 UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013
Other activities Common presentation on the “Restoration of mountain areas in Bulgaria: Successful transfer of the French experience…” – September, 2012; Organization of Presentation of French Forestry in Bulgaria During the Bulgarian Forest Week – April, 2013; Promotion of Forest pedagogics in Bulgaria Module of pilot lectures for students from the secondary schools in Bulgaria; Establishment of new course “Forest pedagogics” in the University of Forestry, Sofia since the beginning of school year 2013/2014. UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

11 Thank you for your attention!
UEF Congress, Saariselkä - Finland, 29 August 2013

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