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Published byAmbrose Hodges Modified over 6 years ago
Can we probe quantum structure of space-time by black holes?
2008 YongPyong Can we probe quantum structure of space-time by black holes? Satoshi Iso (KEK)
Plan of the talk [1] Overview of BH thermodynamics
・causal structure of horizon ・Hawking radiation ・stringy picture of BH entropy [2] Hawking radiation via gravitational anomalies ・universality of Hawking radiation [3] Conclusion ・ towards quantum nature of space-time
[1] Overview of black hole thermodynamics
Black hole was theoretically proposed as a strange solution to the Einstein equation in 1916 by Schwarzschild.
Now it is known that our universe is full of black holes
from small size (star) to huge size (center of galaxy). ・Cyg X ~ Mo (=solar mass) More than hundreds of compact BH will exist in our galaxy. ・middle mass BH ~ 1000 Mo exists in active galaxy(M82), but not in our galaxy ・Huge mass BH ~ Mo AGN (center of galaxies) They are very active (radiates X-rays) and astro-physically very interesting objects.
But even from purely theoretical point of view,
black holes are very attractive objects because it is believed that we can probe the quantum structure of space-time by investigating thermodynamic properties of BH. Analogy with the discovery of quantum mechanics Planck asked why the field theories with infinite d.o.f. have finite specific heat? ---> energy quanta Now we can ask why BH has a finite entropy proportional to the area? --> space-time quanta?
Schwarzschild black holes
horizon radius: Curvature: (1) Curvature singularity at r=0. (2) Horizon of the space-time at r=rH.
Causal structure of horizon
* Tortoise coordinate: r horizon Null coordinates:
Kruskal coordinates: (surface gravity= ) Metric is now regular
in the Kruskal coord. V t U r=0 U=0, V=0 at horizon II: BH U=0 future horizon V=0 past horizon III I: exterior region IV: WH r=const r=0
Horizon is a null hypersurface.
Even light cannot come out of the horizon. rH =2GM BH mass always increases classically. Horizon area never decreases like entropy in thermodynamics. d A > 0 =
Analogy with Thermodynamics
Equilibrium Thermodynamics Black Hole 0th law T=const. κ=const. 1st law dU = TdS + ・・ dM =κ/(8πG) dA+ ・・ 2nd law dS > 0 dA > 0 = = Classical correspondence
Hawking radiation from black hole
In 1974 Hawking found that black hole radiates. This really gave the meaning to the thermodynamics of BH. Hawking temperature: Entropy of BH: They are quantum effects!
(comparable to entropy of universe)
For BH with 10 solar mass -9 TH ~ 6×10 K SBH ~ kB very low temperature 79 huge entropy (comparable to entropy of universe) 58 cf. Entropy of sun ~ 10
In the classical limit, TH SBH ∞ Hawking radiation = one-loop quantum effect of matters Entropy puzzle BH entropy is neither 0 nor infinity. (1) BH entropy seems to contradict with the fact that BH is classically unique due to the no-hair theorem. (2) Also it is puzzling why it is proportional to area instead of the volume of the BH. holography
virtual pair creation of particles
BH -E E real pair creation Hawking radiation (thermal) Blackholes eventually evaporate. information paradox (violation of unitary evolution, i.e. pure state to mixed one)
Information paradox If semiclassical description is valid near the horizon, an initial pure state (collapsing matters) form a BH and then it evaporates thermally to a mixed state of radiation. violation of quantum theory ?? Hints to a resolution (1) black hole has a finite entropy Poincare recursion time must be finite. (like a decay of massive particle in a large but closed system) (2) AdS /CFT: gauge theory is believed to describe gravity. Gauge theory description of BH formation and evaporation?
How can we make BH from strings? statistical mechanics of BH
Strings: both of matters and space-time (graviton) are excitations of strings (4d) Newton constant G ~ (gs ls ) 2 rH =2GM string At strong coupling, string with mass M becomes BH when its Schwarzschild radius equals to the string length. (2GM ~ ls) S = kB log N(M) =kB ls M/ h N(M) = exp (ls M/ h) 2 ~ kB (GM) / (h G) =SBH
Extrapolation to strong coupling is not reliable.
Instead of fundamental strings, we can use specific D-brane configurations. (D1+D5+momentum along D1) In this way, BH entropy can be understood microscopically in string theory. (Strominger-Vafa) Furthermore Hawking radiation can be also understood as a unitary process of closed string emission from D-branes.
Is everything understood in strings?
There is a missing link between BH and D-branes. Once D-branes are in the horizon, they are invisible from outside the BH. Why are these d.o.f seen as entropy to an outside observer? Information paradox is not yet well understood. An interesting idea is a fuzzball proposal by Mathur, which may interpolate macroscopic picture of black holes and microscopic picture by D-branes. Space-time is conjectured to by obtained by coarse-graining the fuzzballs.
Horizon is responsible for thermodynamic properties of BH.
Horizon is not specific to black holes. ・ Rindler horizon An accelerating observer can detect thermal distribution proportional to his/her acceleration. ・ Cosmological horizon (de Sitter) De Sitter space has a cosmological horizon, and dS space has temperature and entropy. Black holes are playgrounds for exploring the quantum structure of space-time.
Horizon ~ dislocation of space-time ~ stratum
We may be able to probe the space-time itself by looking at the dislocation (~horizon) of space-time.
In the following section,
we discuss the universality of the thermodynamic quantities from the macroscopic point of view. In particular, we will show that the Hawking radiation can be universally understood by the gravitational anomaly at the horizon.
[2] Hawking radiation and quantum anomalies
Robinson Wilczek (05) Iso Umetsu Wilczek (06) BH Quantum fields in black holes. Near horizon, each partial wave of d-dim quantum field behaves as d=2 massless free field. Outgoing modes = right moving Ingoing modes = left moving Effectively 2-dim conformal fields
Charged black hole (Ressner-Nordstrom solution).
Metric and gauge potential r+: outer horizon r-: inner horizon
- Near horizon, potential terms can be suppressed. Each partial wave behaves as d=2 conformal field.
once they are inside the horizon.
(2) Ingoing modes are decoupled once they are inside the horizon. These modes are classically irrelevant for the physics in exterior region. So we first neglect ingoing modes near the horizon. The effective theory becomes chiral in the two-dimensional sense. gauge and gravitational anomalies = breakdown of gauge and general coordinate invariance
(3) But the underlying theory is NOT anomalous.
Anomalies must be cancelled by quantum effects of the classically irrelevant ingoing modes. (~Wess-Zumino term) flux of Hawking radiation
covariant gauge anomaly
U(1) charge current total derivative For outgoing modes covariant gauge anomaly flux at infinity regularity at horizon Flux can be given only by the information at the horizon because anomaly is a total derivative. S.I. Umetsu Wilczek(06) simplifed by Banerjee Kulkarni(07)
Energy flow at infinity
total derivative covariant gravitational anomaly Energy flux can be given in terms of the surface gravity at horizon! Universality is assured by the anomaly structure.
Anomaly is a total derivative.
An integral of the instanton configuration gives the topological number as the number of fermionic 0-mode. Hawking radiation is determined by the information at the horizon. (universality) i.e. The flux is independent of the details of the metric away from the horizon.
Higher-spin fluxes? yes Energy flux
Iso Morita Umetsu (07) Higher-spin fluxes? Energy flux This is only a partial information of the Hawking radiation. Can we generalize them to higher-spins and reproduce thermal distribution ? yes
Assuming that the effective field theory approximation
is good near the horizon, thermal radiation is completely reproduced. (This is a universal result as the anomalies are universal.) How can we solve the information paradox? The derivation of CFT near the horizon is based on an assumption that there are no higher-derivative terms in the action of the matter field. If they exist, they become more and more important near the horizon. Loss of locality near the horizon.
[3] Summary Most properties of BH are well-understood now both macroscopically and microscopically….. but Black hole entropy Hawking radiation macroscopic microscopically universality based on GR and QM string theory D-branes missing link entropy puzzle information paradox
Since thermodynamic properties of BH are originated
in the horizon and horizons are general phenomena in general relativity, the missing link will be related to the quantum structure of the space-time itself. As blackbody radiation played an important role in discovering the quantum mechanics, black hole physics will play a similar role to understand the quantum structure of space-time. Still there are many mysteries.
Thank you for your attention.
ingoing outgoing For calculational convenience, we divide the exterior region into H and O. BH H H: [r+, r+ + ε] O: [r+ + ε , ∞] ε O First neglect the classically irrelevant ingoing modes in region H.
Gauge current and gauge anomaly
The theory becomes chiral in H. H O Gauge current has anomaly in region H. outer horizon ε consistent current We can define a covariant current by which satisfies
In region O, In near horizon region H, consistent current = current at infinity = value of consistent current at horizon are integration constants. Current is written as a sum of two regions. where
Variation of the effective action under gauge tr.
Using anomaly eq. Impose δW + δW’=0 W’ = contribution from ingoing modes (WZ term) cancelled by WZ term
・Determination of We assume that the covariant current should vanish at horizon. Unruh vac. Reproduces the correct Hawking flux
Total current including ingoing modes near the horizon
should be conserved! ingoing mode outgoing mode
EM tensor and Gravitational anomaly
Effective d=2 theory contains background of graviton, gauge potential and dilaton. Under diffeo. they transform Ward id. for the partition function =anomaly
Gravitational anomaly
consistent current covariant current In the presence of gauge and gravitational anomaly, Ward id. becomes non-universal
Solve component of
(1) In region O (2) In region H (near horizon) Using
Variation of effective action under diffeo.
(1) (2) (3) (1) classical effect of background electric field (2) cancelled by induced WZ term of ingoing modes (3) Coefficient must vanish.
Reproduces the flux of Hawking radiation
Determination of We assume that the covariant current to vanish at horizon. since we can determine and therefore flux at infinity is given by Reproduces the flux of Hawking radiation
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