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Ch 3: Social Beliefs & Judgments

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1 Ch 3: Social Beliefs & Judgments
Part 2: Sept. 10, 2012

2 Attributions & Heuristics
Attributions are judgments about reasons for events or behaviors Heuristics: mental shortcuts 1. Availability Heuristic: what is it? Example? Can lead to false consensus – how? Can lead to baserate fallacy – how?

3 2) Representativeness Heuristic:
What is it? Example? 3) Counterfactual thinking: What does it lead to?

4 Attributions Attribution = explanation about a behavior
Heider – personal vs. situational Kelly’s Covariation Theory (an attribution theory): Attribute behavior to internal (person) or external (situation) based on 3 questions – 1. Consensus 2. Distinctiveness 3. Consistency

5 If low distinctiveness & low consensus, but high consistency, which attribution?
Example? If high distinctiveness & high consensus, but low consistency, which attribution?

6 Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE)
Relevant to judging others’ behavior: When do we make an internal attribution? When do we make an external attribution? 2-step process: Example?

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