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4. Repeated games Actions taken and payoffs made over and over again

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1 4. Repeated games Actions taken and payoffs made over and over again
Tit-for-tat strategy – player matches opponents last decision

2 Dominant strategy: 1 low, 2 low => profit of 10 each
Prisoners’ dilemma 2 Low High 1 10, 10 100, -50 -50, 100 50, 50

3 a. Infinitely repeated game
Tit-for-tat strategy: 1 goes high, says it will match whatever 2 does last If 2 goes high, it makes 50, 50, If 2 goes low, it makes 100, 10, 10, 2 Low High 1 10, 10 100, -50 -50, 100 50, 50

4 b. Finite number of repetitions
Game unravels as each competitor looks at the last period Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat

5 Cooperation can break down due to:
Too many firms => difficult to coordinate Rapidly shifting demand or cost conditions => difficult to agree on right course of action

6 5. Sequential games One player can move first
First mover may have an advantage Extensive form of a game => use a decision tree

7 Enter 1%, 1% $1,000 Dell Don’t 15%, 0% Apple Enter -10%, -10% $800 Dell Don’t 5%, 0%

8 6. Competitive strategy a. Threats
Threat must be credible to have impact 2 High Low 1 100, 80 80, 100 20, 0 10, 20

9 b. Commitment and credibility
Commitment can be used to increase credibility Reputation important in establishing credibility Race Car Motors Small Cars Big Cars Far Out Engines Small Engines 3, 6 3, 0 Big Engines 1, 1 8, 3 Race Car Motors Small Cars Big Cars Far Out Engines Small Engines 0, 6 0, 0 Big Engines 1, 1 8, 3

10 c. Bargaining strategy Might be able to link two or more bargaining problems 2 A B 1 40, 5 50, 50 60, 40 5, 45 2 Work Alone Join Consortium 1 10, 10 10, 20 20, 10 40, 40

11 d. Entry deterrence Incumbent must convince potential entrants that entry will be unprofitable – commitment is important E Enter Don’t I High price 100, 20 200, 0 Low price 70, -10 130, 0 $50 M to build plant if low price charged E Enter Don’t I High price 50, 20 150, 0 Low price 70, -10 130, 0 Spend $50 M to build plant regardless

12 High 20, 50 Enter I Low -10, 70 E High 0, 150 Don’t I Low 0, 130

13 e. Strategic trade policy
Government can give subsidies to encourage activity Airbus Produce Don’t Boeing -10, -10 100, 0 0, 100 0, 0 Airbus Produce Don’t Boeing -10, 10 100, 0 0, 120 0, 0 $20 B subsidy to Airbus to produce

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