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Coexistence study subgroup

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Presentation on theme: "Coexistence study subgroup"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coexistence study subgroup
Meeting Report Coexistence study subgroup

2 Goal of study subgroup Definition of Convergence scope
Convergence Levels Coexistence, Interworking, Converged standard Convergence Criteria Physical convergence requirements Conversion topologies for coexistence and interworking (scenarios) Terminal, Network Gather technical solutions for interworking Evaluation of solutions based on requirements Produce Baseline document

3 Scope Conversion should concentrate layer 2 and layer 1 according to OSI model Assumptions 802.11a which includes HiperLAN 2 (HiSWANa) Usage of the same spectrum

4 Working Assumption: Convergence level definitions
Coexistence Communicating entities using a, HiSWANa or HiperLAN 2 can operate in the same coverage area without harmful interference. No communication between entities adhering to the different standards necessarily takes place. Interworking Systems or components, possibly from different origins, working together to perform some task. Interworking depends crucially on standards to define the interfaces between the components. The term implies that there is some difference between the components which, in the absence of common standards, would make it unlikely that they could be used together. [Webster’s] Unified standard - To make into or become one standard; consolidate. [Webster’s]

5 Terms Communicating entities
- Elements that are capable of communication Standards of interest: Published standards 802.11a HiperLAN 2 HiSWAN, Standard enhancements Extension of standards as defined above

6 Teleconference Jan 9th Criteria documents How to merge documents
Coexistence Interworking Converged Standard How to merge documents Question of common spectrum Clarifications of working procedures

7 Planned activities Merge criteria documents and create baseline document (editing) Select one convergence level Discuss technical proposals Encourage contributions

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