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إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ }

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Presentation on theme: "إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ }"— Presentation transcript:

1 إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ }
Neuro-ophthalmology اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم {قَالُواْ سُبْحَانَكَ لاَ عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلاَّ مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ } 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM


3 Neuro-ophthalmology NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

4 4. Lateral Geniculate Bodies 5.Optic radiations 6. Visual cortix
Neuro-ophthalmology The Visual Pathway: 1. Optic nerves 2. Optic chiasma 3. Optic tracts 4. Lateral Geniculate Bodies 5.Optic radiations 6. Visual cortix 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

5 The Visual Pathway: Neuro-ophthalmology Optic nerves =
complete blindness 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

6 The Visual Pathway: Optic chiasma = bitemporal / binasal hemianopia
Neuro-ophthalmology The Visual Pathway: Optic chiasma = bitemporal / binasal hemianopia 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

7 The Visual Pathway: 3. Optic tracts 4. Lateral Geniculate Bodies
Neuro-ophthalmology The Visual Pathway: 3. Optic tracts 4. Lateral Geniculate Bodies 5.Optic radiations 6. Visual cortix homonymous hemianopia 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

8 The Visual Pathway: Neuro-ophthalmology Lesions of Visual Pathways:
1. Trauma 2. Vacular 3. Inflammatory 4. Neoplasms 5. Degenerative 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

9 The Visual Pathway: Neuro-ophthalmology Pupillary reflexes ` direct
` indirect (consensual) ` near reflex `convergence reflex `accommodation reflex 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

10 The Visual Pathway: Neuro-ophthalmology
Abnormalities of pupillary reactions: 1 . Amaurotic light reflex = No DLR on affected side + No inderect P.reflex on good eye 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

11 The Visual Pathway: Neuro-ophthalmology
Abnormalities of pupillary reactions: 2. Efferent pupillary defect: No DPR+No IPR on affected eye: parasympathetic drugs,atropine, IIInerve palsy,internal ophthalmoloplegia 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

12 The Visual Pathway: Neuro-ophthalmology
Abnormalities of pupillary reactions: 3. Marcus Gunn pupil: 4.Argyil Rebertson pupil (ARP) 5. Adie`s tonic pupil 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

13 Relative Afferent Papillary Defect Mid-brain pupil
Neuro-ophthalmology Horner`s syndrome Relative Afferent Papillary Defect Mid-brain pupil 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

14 2.Acute Retrobulber nuritis 3.Toxic amblyopia 4.Papilloedema
Neuro-ophthalmology Optic nerve diseases: 1.Papillitis 2.Acute Retrobulber nuritis 3.Toxic amblyopia 4.Papilloedema 5.Optic Atrophy(1ry, 2ry) 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

15 Symptomatic disturbance of vision: Night blindness 2. Day blindness
Neuro-ophthalmology Symptomatic disturbance of vision: Night blindness 2. Day blindness 3. Colour blindness 4. Amaurosis 5. Amblyopia 6. Malingering blindness 7. Hysterical blindness 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

16 Neuro-ophthalmology Neuro-ophthalmology
is the subspecialty of both neurology and ophthalmology concerning concerning visual problems that are related to the nervous system 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

17 Clinical Examination Neuro-ophthalmology Visual Acuity Colour Vision
Visual Fields Pupils 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

18 The swollen optic disc Neuro-ophthalmology Papilloedema Papillitis
Malignant hypertension Ischaemic optic neuropathy Diabetic optic neuropathy CRVO Intraocular inflammation 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

19 Optic neuritis Neuro-ophthalmology 25 y.o. female Reduced VA
Pain with eye movement Colour desaturation RAPD Optic neuritis 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

20 Papilloedema Neuro-ophthalmology
• Disc swelling secondary to raised ICP • Headache – Worse in the morning – Valsalva maneuver • Nausea and projectile vomiting • Horizontal diplopia (VI palsy) • Causes – Space occupying lesion – Intracranial hypertension • Idiopathic • Drugs • Endocrine – Severe hypertension 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

21 The pale optic disc Neuro-ophthalmology Congenital Secondary to
• raised ICP • vascular • retinal disease • optic neuritis • optic nerve compression • trauma Glaucoma 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

22 Pupil Neuro-ophthalmology Reflexes ( direct , consentiual) APD

23 Pupil DM Neuro-ophthalmology Constricted (mioisis)
Sympathetic (pupillodilator) denervation Drugs ( Pilocarpine Morphine ) DM 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

24 DM Pupil Neuro-ophthalmology Dilated (mydriasis) denervation
Parasympathetic ( pupilloconstrictor ) denervation Lesion of the III Cranial Nerve Drugs ( Atropine ,Cocaine ) DM 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

25 Neuro-ophthalmology Sympathetic Pathway READ 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

26 Horner’s (Oculosympathetic paresis):
Neuro-ophthalmology Horner’s (Oculosympathetic paresis): – Ptosis – Miosis – Ipsilateral anhidrosis – Does not dilate with cocaine 4% Causes 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

27 Afferent & efferent papillary defects APD
Neuro-ophthalmology Afferent & efferent papillary defects APD Argyll-Robertson pupil Miotonic pupil (Adie’s syndrome) Holmes-Adie syndrome 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

28 Cranial Nerve Palsies III IV VI Ophthalmoplegia Neuro-ophthalmology

29 Third nerve palsy Neuro-ophthalmology – Double vision
– Eye turned down & out – Ptosis – Dilated pupil & headache • Compressive lesion causes 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

30 Neuro-ophthalmology IV nerve palsy 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

31 Sixth nerve palsy Neuro-ophthalmology – Double vision – Eye turned in

32 Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Neuro-ophthalmology Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia Defective adduction of the ipsilateral eye Nystagmus of the contralateral (abducting) eye NORMAL CONVERGENCE Causes – Young patients • Bilateral • Demyelination – Older patients • Unilateral • Vascular, • tumours 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

33 • Normal reflexes & sensatio
Neuro-ophthalmology Myasthenia Gravis • Fatigability • Double vision • Lid twitch • Ptosis • Normal reflexes & sensatio 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

34 Neuro-ophthalmology Localising the lesion
• Monocular visual field defects indicate lesions anterior to the optic chiasm • Bitemporal defects are the hallmark of chiasmal lesions • Binocular homonymous hemianopia result from lesions in the contralateral postchiasmal region • Binocular quadrantanopias reflect optic tract lesions 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

35 Neuro-ophthalmology Localising the lesion 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

36 Neuro-ophthalmology THANK YOU 1/14/2019 MAHGOUB SALEEM

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