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All our hope is in you You are the Resurrection and the Life

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Presentation on theme: "All our hope is in you You are the Resurrection and the Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 All our hope is in you You are the Resurrection and the Life
A remembrance prayer Power Point with music. Prayer written by Linda Jones/CAFOD You are the Resurrection and the Life

2 Christ Jesus, you understand the pain of loss,

3 The grief that seems to take the air from my lungs.

4 You are the Resurrection

5 And the Life.

6 All our hope is in you.

7 Lord Jesus, may I find a way through the darkness

8 To the light of your love.
To the light of your love.

9 You are the Resurrection and the Life.

10 All our hope is in you.

11 Christ Jesus, you wept at the death of your friend, Lazarus.

12 Now your compassion wipes the tears from our eyes.

13 May we find comfort in reaching out to others

14 Who feel lost and alone.

15 You are the Resurrection and the Life.

16 All our hope is in you.

17 All our hope is in you. Prayer: Linda Jones/CAFOD Photographs: Caritas Nepal, Mohamed Sheik Nor/ CRS, Tommy Trenchard and Auriele Marrier d’Unieville/Caritas, Louise Norton, Ben White and Thom Flint/CAFOD

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