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Exchange of bovine passport data between national databases using BOVEX Rome, 11/6/2015 Lars SKARINGER.

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Presentation on theme: "Exchange of bovine passport data between national databases using BOVEX Rome, 11/6/2015 Lars SKARINGER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exchange of bovine passport data between national databases using BOVEX
Rome, 11/6/2015 Lars SKARINGER

2 Background The bovine passport transfer is mandated by COM/1760/2000
The bovine animal's data, including its previous movements, must be entered into the database of the country of destination The manual transfer of this poses several problems Quality – human factor puts data quality at risk Costs for the authorities Costs for the economic operators There is a real need to make the transfer more efficient and effective

3 Bovine movements: Origin

4 Bovine movements: Destination

5 Laying the foundations
The update to 1760/2000 adds support for electronic ID and dematerialisation of the bovine passport "Pilot" project defined in EUAHS 2007 – 2013 to verify feasibility of interconnecting national bovine DBs This "pilot" is finished and the conclusion is that it is possible Development and launch of BOVEX

6 Outline Webservice, based on XML
The minimum necessary according to legal base (date and place of birth, sex, race…) A set of basic operations: Methods to send and receive passport data ("upload", "retrieve"…) Auxiliary "helper" methods to facilitate the client side implementation ("query", "list"…) Automatic check in TRACES for validity of veterinary certificate

7 The passport Paper BOVEX

8 The main use cases Submit EO2 EO1 Retrieve Acknowledge NatDB2 NatDB1
Country of origin Country of Destination

9 Outline 1: submit passports
EO1 NatDB1 BOVEX eartags retrieve in DB passports submit(…) store in exchange DB Country of Origin

10 Outline 2: retrieve passports
EO2 NatDB2 BOVEX TRACES Passports Certificate reference retrieve(IDs) getCertData(…) checks Passports error codes processing Valid? Destination country? Identifier numbers match? Country of Destination

11 Outline 3: acknowledge passports
NatDB1 NatDB2 BOVEX acknowledge(IDs) retrieved? OK, error codes NotifyAck(IDs) Country of Origin Country of Destination

12 The benefits Security and quality: Substantial time savings possible
Secure connection between machines Eliminate manual treatment Automatic verification in TRACES Fraud becomes difficult, even near impossible Substantial time savings possible Statistical overview in "near real time" via TRACES "Qlikview", with link to TRACES certificate to facilitate follow-up

13 Participants and volumes
France, Italy, Spain and Greece have developed operational connections Volumes early June 2015 (starting from January): ~ passports sent ~ retrieved There is still work to be done, but we are on the good path

14 Statistics by Destination country (May)
# passports in TRACES I.30 # submitted to BOVEX # retrieved to destination DB

15 Summary and outlook to the future
The BOVEX interface is available and is mature to be used by multiple Member States Several connections exist, based on diverse technologies ("Java", ".NET" etc.) The investment needed for a Member State is very reasonable (months, not years …) We foresee to Support the connection of more countries (PT, LV, …) Together with MS continue to evolve and enhance the service Enable total passport dematerialisation by means of digital signature

16 Need more info? TRACES Toolkit!

17 Thank you for your attention

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