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The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

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1 The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

2 Which do you think portrays John Bunyan?

3 John Bunyan

4 Historical Background
John Bunyan-Born about Nov.15, 1628 Mother dies when he is 15, 13 year old sister dies a few weeks later A few months later when John is 16 he is drafted into Cromwell’s army (war between parliament and the King Charles I) Taught the trade of a tinker by his father (a mender of pots, utensils,) this was not a highly regarded trade

5 He is not well educated, but learns to read and write and has no theological education
He is married at about 20 to his first wife (about which we know little, not even her name) She brings few possessions to the marriage except for two books, one of which is an allegory He has four children, the first of whom (Mary) is blind His first wife dies about 10 years later and John marries his second wife, Elizabeth

6 While married to his first wife, he spent time reading the books she had brought as well as the Bible He also came upon and old beat-up copy of Luther’s commentary on Galatians It is difficult to tell exactly when Bunyan is converted In 1653 Bunyan renounces the church of England and joins the Puritan Church a where he was re-baptized, and began to preach

7 In 1660 the Puritan regime collapsed and King Charles II returned from Exile
Bunyan was arrested for preaching (because the Church of England was once again the state church) and jailed The Bedford Jail was like all English jails of the day, a stink hole, filthy, no sanitation, little water or food, little warmth in the winter Bunyan was allowed visitors from time to time

8 Bedford Jail

9 Out of this Jail Bunyan is released in 1672
He is imprisoned again in 1677 At some time during these imprisonments he wrote the Pilgrim’s Progress It is published in 1678 and Bunyan is shocked at how successful it is By the time of his death, eight editions had appeared as well as a French and Dutch edition

10 The Book Today 100 years ago it would have been considered the greatest novel ever written If a family owned two books, one was the Bible, the other was Pilgrim’s Progress The book has been translated into almost every language on earth

11 Bunyan’s Death John went to London to settle a dispute between a son and a father, as well as to preach After reconciling the two men, he was unable to preach because of the torrential rain He became soaked in the rain, fell sick with a fever and died at age 60

12 In his last sermon Bunyan said:
“Live like the children of God, that you may look your Father in the face with the comfort of another day.”

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