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Smooth Transitions to Making Program Modifications or Expansions

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Presentation on theme: "Smooth Transitions to Making Program Modifications or Expansions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smooth Transitions to Making Program Modifications or Expansions

2 Substantive Change Overview
Certain educational practices that trigger compliance concerns (quality) Procedures to address compliance Consequences exist when we are not vigilant

3 What is a substantive change?
The addition of courses or programs that represent a significant departure, either in content and expertise or method of delivery, from those that were offered when the institution was last evaluated. New degree or certificate program New off-site w/ 50% or more of program credits Dual or joint degree (new site or non-SACSCOC partner) Closing a degree or certificate program Major change examples (approval required) Moving a site location New off-site w/ 25 – 49% or more of program credits Minor change examples (notification required) Christine At my institution, I have categorized substantive changes Major changes require a prospectus Minor changes require a notification letter with supporting documentation Major changes Addition of courses or programs that are a significant departure either in content or delivery method from those offered when the institution was last evaluated (2013) Establishment of a location geographically apart from the main campus at which the institution offers 50% or more of a program Entering into a contract with an institution or organization not eligible for Title IV funds 7/22/2016

4 Question Why is SACSCOC interested in changes that are occurring at institutions that are already accredited? Changes must align with the institutional mission Changes must have sufficient resources Educational practices must be sound

5 Review and Approval Processes
University Curriculum Council Office of Academic Affairs Office of Assessment and Accreditation UNC General Administration SACSCOC Mia

6 What is the GA compliance process?
New degree program Request for Authorization to Plan a New Degree Program (formerly “Appendix A”) Substantive Change Planning Questionnaire Request for Authorization to Establish a New Degree Program (formerly “Appendix C”) New online or off-campus delivery of existing program – Request to Deliver New certificate - Notification from Academic Affairs Program, site, delivery closure – Request to Discontinue

7 What is the SACSCOC compliance process for a major change?
Department reviews the Quick Start Guide Department completes Substantive Change Planning Questionnaire Assessment & Accreditation Office reviews the Questionnaire and consults with Department and provides examples Department contacts Academic Budget and Personnel to complete the Faculty Roster Department submits and edits draft with guidance from Assessment & Accreditation Office Assessment & Accreditation Office submits final documents to the Provost The Provost reviews and sends to Chancellor for approval The Provost’s Office mails final documents to SACSCOC

8 How long will it take? GA Notification GA Approval
SACSCOC Prior Notification only SACSCOC Prior Approval due dates New degree or certificate program New off-site w/ 50% or more of program credits Dual or joint degree (significant departure) New off-site w/ % or more of program credits n/a 1.5 years 2 - 3 months January 1 for 7/1-12/31 implementation July 1 for 1/1-6/30 implementation

9 How long will it take? GA Notification GA Approval
SACSCOC Prior Notification only SACSCOC Prior Approval due dates Moving a site location Closing a degree or certificate program Altering significantly the length of a program 1-2 months n/a 2 - 3 months 6 months

10 If institution fails to follow the SACSCOC policy and procedures, what could happen?
We must return financial aid $$. We receive sanctions from SACSCOC (probation, warning, or revocation). We must stop offering the program. All of the above

11 What must we do if our institution has implemented programs that should have been reported to SACSCOC? An institution that has implemented programs that should have been reported must notify the President of the Commission immediately in writing concerning the unreported substantive changes. The letter must address the policy and procedure which will now ensure timely reporting. Please see the Commission’s policy on Unreported Substantive Change.

12 Website Resources Quick Start Guide Planning Questionnaire FAQs

13 Personnel Resources Christine Robinson, Executive Director, Office of Assessment and Accreditation, serves as the SACSCOC accreditation liaison for UNC Charlotte. Leslie R. Zenk, Assistant Provost, serves as the Campus Program Coordinator for UNC Charlotte and UNC General Administration. Jody Cebina, Director, Distance Education and Summer School, serves as a resource for Distance Education program approval and operation, including online and off-site instruction. Dawn Tench, Faculty Personnel Manager for Academic Budget and Personnel, serves as a resource for faculty credentials.

14 Additional Resources Office of Assessment and Accreditation: Office of Academic Affairs: Office of Legal Affairs: SACSCOC: UNC General Administration (State approval process): programs-0

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