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Title I, Part A Federal Program Monitoring

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1 Title I, Part A Federal Program Monitoring 2018-2019
Office of Program Administration and Accountability 2018 Coordinators’ Technical Assistance Academy Roanoke: July 9-11, 2018 Williamsburg: July 23-25, 2018

2 Disclaimer The Coordinator’s Academy was planned under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education (USED). However, the content does not necessarily represent the policy of the USED, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

3 Agenda This presentation will focus on
The federal program monitoring (FPM) Schedule Process Protocol document The monitoring results Technical Assistance Areas of Note Questions and answers

4 Three-year Monitoring Schedule
All federal programs out of the Office of Program Administration and Accountability with the exception of the 21st CCLC program and Title II, Part A are monitored on a 3-year schedule. 21st CCLC and Title II, Part A are monitored on a different schedule.

5 Federal Program Monitoring Website
The Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) Webpage on the VDOE Website has A previous PPT on Federal Program Monitoring; The updated Three-Year Schedule through the school year; and The most recent Superintendent’s s and Memos about Federal Program Monitoring.

6 Programs Monitored on the Three-Year Monitoring Schedule
Title I, Part A Title I, Part C Title I, Part D Subpart 1, State Agencies Subpart 2, Local Education Agencies Title III, Part A Title IV, Part A (pilot in ) Title V, Part B, Subpart 2

7 46 Divisions Scheduled for FPM in 2018-2019
Amelia County Campbell County Fluvanna County Appomattox County Carroll County Franklin County Arlington County Charlotte County Galax City Bath County Chesapeake City Goochland County Bedford County Covington City Greensville County Bland County Culpeper County Highland County Bristol City Danville City Isle of Wight County Buena Vista City Essex County Lancaster County

8 46 Divisions Scheduled for FPM in 2018-2019 continued
Louisa County Powhatan County Warren County Manassas City Russell County Westmoreland County Martinsville City Shenandoah County Williamsburg-James City County Mecklenburg County Smyth County Wise County Middlesex County Southampton County Department of Juvenile Justice Page County Suffolk City State Operated Programs Patrick County Surry County Pittsylvania County Sussex County

9 FPM VDOE Timeline In July the identified school divisions attend the federal program monitoring session at the Coordinator’s Academy. In October VDOE Program Specialists provide webinars to discuss specific program requirements and protocol documents. In January through March, on-site and virtual monitoring visits will take place and technical assistance will be provided. In May, compliance letters will be sent to superintendents.

10 FPM Division Process Begin by reviewing the protocol documents on the VDOE Federal Program Monitoring Website. Collect the monitoring evidence and begin organizing the evidence by protocol number. Use this time to evaluate your program. Contact your assigned VDOE program specialist if you have any questions about the requirements on the protocol document.

11 FPM Division Process, continued
Program specialists will contact coordinators to schedule monitoring visits and inform coordinators if the visit will be an onsite or a virtual monitoring. The monitoring will take place during the months of January through March.

12 Follow-up to Monitoring
At the end of each monitoring visit, next steps will be discussed. Divisions will be permitted time to submit additional evidence if necessary Monitoring letters are distributed in May. Compliance – no further action Non-compliance – specific documentation is requested

13 Corrective Action Plan
Divisions will have the opportunity to respond to any findings through a corrective action plan. A deadline for the corrective action plan will be included in the monitoring letter. Corrective action plans must be signed by the superintendent. This isn’t a specific format to the plan, but it must address the specific finding(s). No formal actions are needed if recommendations are provided.

14 FPM Protocol Document Location
Where can I find the FPM Protocol Document?

15 FPM Protocol Document Organization
The organization of the protocol documents will be different this year, but the information included will basically be the same. Any changes to the protocol content will be explained in the program specific sessions at the Coordinator’s Academy and in the monitoring webinars in the fall.

16 FPM Protocol Document Format
The format will make the documents accessible and easier to enter in local education agency responses. The format will be linear and the tables have all been eliminated. Any questions that are grayed-out do not need to be completed.

17 FPM Protocol Question Example
1.0: The SEA conducts monitoring of its subgrantees sufficient to ensure compliance with Title I, Part A program requirements. [Section 1003 of ESEA and of EDGAR] Guiding Question(s) 1.0a When was the last time you were monitored by the SEA? Acceptable Evidence Copies of reports, corrective actions, results of technical assistance Interview Questions Staff describes monitoring process, including on-site procedures, data review, and the reporting and corrective action processes, as pertains to most recent monitoring by the SEA. Local Educational Agency Response- This section is completed by coordinators. State Educational Agency Response- This section is completed by VDOE Specialist. Sufficient Documentation- This section is completed by VDOE specialist. Yes No NA

18 FPM Evidence Collection
The organization of the evidence should mirror the protocol document. Assign areas of responsibility for collecting the evidence among staff involved in the implementation of the program. Building administrators Instructional specialists Finance office Human Resources office Establish timelines and procedures for collection of evidence.

19 Each protocol question should have its own folder

20 Each folder should contain evidence for the protocol item: Question 1
Each folder should contain evidence for the protocol item: Question 1.1c (School Quality Profile Report)

21 FPM 2017-2018 Summary 44 school divisions were monitored
22 school divisions had findings 5 school divisions received recommendations

22 2017-2018 - Title I Part A Most Common Findings
2.1a. Has the LEA ensured that all teachers working in a Title I program meet applicable state certification and licensure requirements? 2.4a Does the LEA provide assistance or guidance to schools to plan and develop or review and revise their schoolwide plans?

23 Expectations Complete the LEA response section under each protocol question in the protocol document and submit the document to assigned monitoring specialist(s) about three weeks before the monitoring visit. Documentation may be submitted using: SSWS Dropbox Jumpdrive Filebox (onsite only, please)

24 Types of Monitoring Monitoring styles Each specialist has his/her approach to the monitoring process; however, the protocol and evidence provided will always be thoroughly reviewed. Division coordinators are expected to be in attendance for the FPM, and other relevant personnel as appropriate. Monitoring types Onsite Approximately hours Work space is needed Virtual Approximately hours

25 Updates to Monitoring Based on ESSA
Protocol changes were made during the school year. Update the schoolwide plan to include four (4) components instead of ten (10). Remember to include the list of the committee members who helped to create the plan including parents.

26 Example of a Single Plan
Lynchburg City Schools All schools have a specific required (by the school division) school improvement plan template. Highlighted where each Title I component fits into their school improvement plan template. Title I activity included in the plan: During data meetings, PLC teams will identify students not meeting grade level academic expectations. (components 1 and 2)

27 More Updates to Monitoring Based on ESSA
All teachers must be properly licensed and endorsed, not just federal core content teachers. Provisional license is acceptable.

28 Additional Updates to Monitoring Based on ESSA
Each LEA receiving Title I, Part A funds must enter into an agreement with a Head Start Program in order to increase coordination between the school division and the Head Start Program. The agreement must include: developing and implementing a systematic procedure for records transfer; establishing channels of communication between school staff and their counterparts; conducting meetings involving parents, Kindergarten or elementary school teachers, Head Start teachers etc.; organizing and participating in joint transition-related training of school staff, Head Start program staff etc.; and linking the educational services provided by the LEA with the services provided by Local Head Start agencies.

29 Further Updates to Monitoring Based on ESSA
2.3j – Four weeks letter is required 2.1 – HQT: now properly licensed and endorsed teachers will be required Any additional changes will be released in the fall and explained during FPM webinars.

30 Identification/Assessment of Students
Confirm that there is a process through the comprehensive needs assessment to identify student needs, especially for a targeted-assistance program and for those most at-risk in a schoolwide school.

31 School Quality Profile Reports
The School Report Card is now called the School Quality Profile Report. Distribute the PDF file to parents when requested, or have copies available in the office. Make sure that the website link is easy to find, and provide in writing how parents can obtain a copy of the Report. A statement may be included in the school handbook or in a letter/newsletter that goes out every year.

32 Parent and Family Engagement
School divisions have difficulty producing parent and family engagement evidence because they either do not understand the protocol question or they do not prepare documentation before the family event. Update family and parent engagement policies and parent compacts to reflect the current year. Remember that parents should be on the committees to update these plans.

33 Parent and Family Engagement Sign-In Sheets
Make sure that sign-in sheets are used to record the attendance at all parent and family engagement activities. The sign-in sheets need to have the date, title or purpose of the meeting, as well as parent signatures.

34 Protocol Question 2.3a Has the LEA informed and involved parents in the development and review of the LEA’s Title I application and school improvement plan, if applicable? Parents should either review the application and/or school improvement plan directly, or Parents’ input during meetings or through surveys should be used to create the Title I plan outlined in the application.

35 2.3a Highlight Francis C. Hammond Middle School in Alexandria City Public Schools Annual Title I Parent Meeting presentation Discussed the components of the Title I program that will be in the application Description and purpose of the Title I Program Discussion of how Title I funds support the educational program including a breakdown of the budget Discussion of the parent and family engagement policy and compact Shared data School Improvement plan

36 Protocol Question 2.3b Does the LEA provide technical assistance to schools on policy development and building capacity of parents for engagement? Provide agendas, meeting notes, handbook, s, etc. that highlight how coordinators supported Title I schools as they revised their parent family engagement policies, planned activities for parents, outlined family and parent engagement expectations throughout the year.

37 Protocol Question 2.3e Does the LEA ensure that schools convene an annual meeting to inform parents about the Title I program and to explain their right to be involved? Provide evidence that parents attended a meeting where the purpose and explanation of the Title I program was discussed, as well as the parents right to be involved in their child’s education.

38 2.3e Highlight Halifax County Public Schools
Division level annual Title I meeting presentation Conducted on August 15, 2017 Included a slide titled: What opportunities does the School provide for Parental Involvement? Parent meetings, conferences, school events an workshops Communication through , reminders, newsletters, website Sharing educational resources such as websites and strategies to reinforce skills at home PTO and classroom volunteering Parental Advisory Council, Title I meetings, surveys

39 Protocol Question 2.3f Does the LEA reserve the required amount of its Title I allocation for parent engagement? How does the LEA ensure that parents are involved in making decisions about the use of these funds? Provide documentation other than the application that money is set-aside for parent and family engagement such as spreadsheets. Parent surveys and agendas for meetings to plan family engagement activities are examples of evidence to ensure parents help make decisions about the use of family and parent and engagement funds.

40 2.3f Highlight Chesterfield County Public Schools
A budget is maintained for each school with a section with the amount allocated for parent and family engagement. A survey question is included in the parent survey asking if parents have ideas for how Title I funds can be used.

41 ESSA - Parent Notification
Under ESSA, the following Title III provisions have been shared with Title I and are the responsibility of both: Parental Notification Requirements: Notify parents within 30 days of identifying students as ELs Provide information to parents, to the extent practicable, in a language they can understand

42 ESSA – Title I, EL Parent Outreach
Under ESSA, the following Title III provisions have been identified under Title I Title I, Parent Policy should now include: Conduct effective parent outreach to inform EL parents regarding how they can be involved in their child’s education, to help their child attain ELP and meet state academic standards Implement outreach to EL parents to include holding and sending notice for regular meetings to respond to recommendations from EL parents Identify barriers affecting participation by EL parents in Title I activities

43 Protocol Question 2.3j How does the LEA ensure compliance with parental notification requirements regarding initial and continuing placement of ELs in language instruction educational program? Eight (8) requirements that should be included in the notification A sample parent notification letter can be found on the Title III website under the Parent Communication section

44 Protocol Question 2.3k Does the LEA notify parents, upon request, (and in a timely manner) of any state or LEA policy regarding student participation in any state or LEA assessments? Virginia does not have a policy regarding participation in state or LEA assessments. Most school divisions also do not have a policy. Include this information and who to contact for more information in a regularly published letter or in the handbook.

45 Protocol Questions 2.4a and 2.5a
2.4a Does the LEA provide assistance or guidance to schools to plan and develop or review and revise their schoolwide plans? 2.5a Does the LEA provide guidance, assistance, and support to schools for planning, implementing, and improving the ongoing quality of their targeted assistance programs? The goal is to document technical assistance and support to schools for these questions.

46 Fiduciary – Distribution of Title I Funds
3.3d Does the school division allocation process to ensure the proper distribution of Title I, Part A, funds? Provide documentation in addition to the application that documents Division set-asides for allocable personnel The other required and allowable reservations, such as the preschool and homeless set-asides are provided.

47 Fiduciary – School Allocations
3.3d Does the school division allocation process ensure the proper distribution of Title I, Part A, funds? Each school receives its proper school allocation such as School budgets, notification s or letters, purchase orders, school spending plans, etc.

48 3.3d Highlight Norfolk City Public Schools
Maintains several documents to track allocations and spend down by school Monthly spend down by school for parent and family engagement Individual school summary document

49 Fiduciary – Time and Attendance
3.3f Does the LEA adhere to the proper accounting of time and attendance for Title I paid staff? Bi-Annual Certification of Pay 100% Title I Personnel Activity Report Split pay with another funding source These forms can be found on the Title I, Part A webpage.

50 Supplement not Supplant
3.4c Does the LEA have a methodology in place that ensures that Title I schools receive the same non-federal funds as non-Title I schools? The methodology needs to be in place for the school year and will be monitored.

51 Supplement not Supplant Documentation
Provide documentation for the following: Title I, Part A, schools receive equitable local and state funding as compared to non-Title I schools; Documentation should include funding for special education and English learners LEA has not reduced state or local funds expended to support federal programs; and The methodology needs to be in writing, such as in a Title I handbook, budget document, etc.

52 3.4c Highlight Lynchburg City Public Schools
Provided a budget summary of how local funds are allocated to each school in the division to demonstrate that all schools receive the same funding before Title I funds are considered

53 Equitable Services Provide documentation of the efforts to consult with: Private schools and neglected facilities (Title I, Part A) and Documentation examples for all programs include Intent forms, letters Agendas, notes, s, sign-in sheets Receipts and documentation sent by certified mail

54 Tips for Success Establish systems and procedures for self-monitoring on a regular basis. Ensure that the system includes a chart delineating tasks, persons responsible, and timeline. Focus on results, not just compliance.

55 Use Your Resources Utilize the documents and information under the Guidelines and Procedures section of the Title I, Part A Website. Parent and family engagement Updated Schoolwide plan templates Inventory information For help, ask your VDOE specialists.

56 VDOE Contact Information Shyla Vesitis – Title I Coordinator Louise Sutton – Regions 1 and 5 Tiffany Frierson – Regions 2, 4, and 8 Latonia Anderson – Regions 3, 6, and 7

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