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The Legislative Branch Article I of the Constitution

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Presentation on theme: "The Legislative Branch Article I of the Constitution"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Legislative Branch Article I of the Constitution

2 Concept 3: Conflict Resolution
Topics will include: Impeachment / Removal Process

3 Impeachment Process Impeachment
Being formally accused of unlawful activity/ committing a crime Does not necessarily mean the official will be kicked out of office

4 Impeachment Process Who can be impeached?
President/ VP, & all civil officers of the US Civil Officers include people appointed by the President Cabinet members Federal Judges Member of Congress are NOT civil officers

5 Impeachment Process Process of Impeachment
Justice Dept. (or independent council) investigates charges and presents them to the House Judiciary Committee HJC reviews evidence HJC drafts Articles of Impeachment HJC debates Article of Impeachment (Richard Nixon)

6 Impeachment Process Process of Impeachment
Entire House of representatives debates Article of Impeachment & votes on them Requires simple majority It is at this point a President is considered impeached

7 Impeachment Process Process of Impeachment Senate holds the trial
HJC acts as the prosecution and presents evidence against the accused Accused chooses own lawyer to present defense

8 Impeachment Process Process of Impeachment Senate holds the trial
Judge- rules on admissibility of evidence The VP acts as the judge for all impeachment trials except the President

9 Impeachment Process Process of Impeachment Senate holds the trial
If the President is being impeached, then the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court acts as judge It requires a 2/3 majority of the Senate against the accused to remove the person from office (Andrew Johnson/ Bill Clinton)

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