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Mortality & Morbidity Conference

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1 Mortality & Morbidity Conference
Presented by R4 李軒慶 Supervisor: Dr. 吳孟書 Moderator: Dr. 邱德發

2 Patient Profile 14 year-old boy 到院時間: 2008/03/19 15:58 檢傷主訴: 頭痛, 重度疼痛
T/P/R: 36.7/107/ BP: GCS: E4V5M6 PH: No significant disease before

3 Symptoms Vomiting noted this noon Fever yesterday Headache(+)
No diarrhea or abdominal pain No dysuria or cough No BW loss

4 Physical Examination General appearance: ill
Conscious: clear, E4V5M6 Pupil: 3+/3+ Neck: supple, no Kernig sign or Brudzinski sign HEENT: not anemic, not icteric no JVE, no LAP throat: not injected; no pus tonsil: not swelling; no pus Chest: BS: clear HS: RHB without murmur Abdomen: soft & flat, no tenderness no rebounding pain bowel sound: normoactive Extremity: free movable

5 Initial Impression URI? Sepsis? Meningitis? Malinger?

6 Initial Order (16:08) CBC/DC BUN/Cr, ALT, Na/K, CRP, F/S B/C CXR U/A
IVF: N/S run 150ml/hr Ketorolac 1amp IM stat Check BP stat  122/67

7 What else do you want to know about history taking & physical examination?

8 Further Information Obtained…
校護: 2~3 週前校內有一流行性腦膜炎個案,但病人和他無明確接觸病史 病患為住校生

9 Picture of skin lesion on 3/19


11 Laboratory Data BUN 11 Creatinine 0.8 Na 135 K 3.7 ALT 16 CRP 157.38
F/S 137 WBC 22400 Seg/Band 91.5/0.5 Lym 5% Mono 3% Hb 13.8 MCV 85.4 Platelet 219K

12 CXR

13 U/A Color Yellow Turbidity Clear SP.Gravity 1.013 pH 6.0 Leukocyte
Negative Nitrite Protein Glucose Negative Ketone Urobilinogen 0.1 Bilirubin Blood Trace RBC/WBC 3/5 Epithelial cell

14 What’s your impression now?
What will you do next?

15 Following Course in ER (Turbid fluid; Pressure: 160/140 mmH2O)
Ciprofloxacin 2# po stat at (17:02) Lumbar puncture performed (17:26) (Turbid fluid; Pressure: 160/140 mmH2O) On critical Penicillin 1PC IVF stat Rocephin 4PC IV stat Admission to PICU

16 CSF Routine ( reported at 19:12)
Color Yellow Appearance Turbid Sugar < 5 Protein 332 RBC 12 RBC (fresh:old) 80:20 WBC 9070 Neurtrophil 99% Monocyte 1% Lymphocyte GNDC 2+ Cryptococcus Negative AFB India Ink

17 What are you supposed to do next?

18 傳染病通報 & 隔離 & 消毒 第二類法定傳染病 通報時限: 24 小時 呼吸道隔離至開始投予抗生素24小時後

19 Culture (Reported on 3/20)
B/C: Neisseria meningitidis CSF culture: Neisseria meningitidis 藥敏試驗 Ceftriaxone S Meropenem Penicillin

20 Following Course after Admission
Activity improved without fever under antibiotic treatment (Rocephin + Penicillin G) Transferred to general ward 24 hours after Discharge on 3/30

21 Discussion Meningeal signs in meningococcal meningitis
Meningococcal disease

22 How to perform meningism test?

23 Meningeal Signs Kernig sign  Brudzinski sign 
Patients in the supine position with the hip and knee flexed at 90o, cannot extend the knee more than 135o and/or there is flexion of the opposite knee Brudzinski sign  Patients in the supine position, flexes the lower extremities during attempted passive flexion of the neck

24 Clinical recognition of meningococcal disease in children and adolescents. [Lancet. 367(9508): , 2006 Feb 4.]

25 Bacterial meningitis without clinical signs of meningeal irritation-- Southern Medical Journal. 75(4):448-50, 1982 April 1,064 cases of bacterial meningitis beyond the neonatal period reviewed 16 (1.5%) patients had none of meningeal signs during the entire hospitalization ( despite CSF pleocytosis) [8 patients were ≧ 2 y/o] Neisseria meningitidis : 7 Hemophilus influenzae: 6 Streptococcus pneumoniae: 2 Salmonella enteritidis: 1

26 Meningococcal Disease
傳染途徑: 飛沫; 接觸病患鼻咽分泌物 好發季節: 春,冬 潛伏期: 2~10 天 好發年齡: 50%  < 2 y/o 25%  > 30 y/o Mortality rate: 10% generally (Highest among 15~24 y/o) Risk Factor: Viral infection(especially influenza) Smoking and smoke exposure Crowded living conditions Underlying chronic diseases Low socioeconomic status

27 Clinical Pattern Common: 1.Bacteremia without sepsis:
fever & URI signs, without other typical signs resolve spontaneously without ABx 2. Sepsis 3. Meningitis 4. Combine sepsis & meningitis (Most common) Uncommon: endocarditis, purulent pericarditis, pneumonia, endophthalmitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis, sinusitis, otitis media, and periorbital cellulitis

28 Clinical Manifestation
Non-specific: sudden onset of fever nausea/vomiting headache decreased ability of concentrate myalgia sorethroat coryza Classic late signs: Meningismus Hemorrhagic rash Conscious disturbance Worrisome signs (Early sepsis signs): Leg pain Cold hands & feet Skin palor or mottling

29 Clinical recognition of meningococcal disease in children and adolescents. [Lancet. 367(9508): , 2006 Feb 4.]

30 Typical Meningococcal Skin Rash American Academy of Pediatrics: Red Book: 2006 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 27th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2006, Atlas 7

31 Diagnosis & Treatment CSF study & Blood culture
Antibiotic: (5~7 days for hospitalized patients) 1. Penicillin G (250,000–400,000 U/kg/day divided every 4–6 hr IV) 2. Cefotaxime (200 mg/kg/day) 3. Ceftriaxone (100 mg/kg/day)

32 Prevention Antibiotic prophylaxis Vaccination

33 Antibiotic Prophylaxis- Candidates
1.Household, daycare, and nursery school contacts 2.Those who have had contact with the patient's oral secretions during the 7 days before onset of illness 3.Medical personnel with intimate exposure (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, intubation, or suctioning before antibiotic therapy was begun)  Those without intimate exposure do not need routine ABx prophylaxis 4. Patients treated with penicillin before hospital discharge (Because Penicillin does not eradicate nasopharyngeal carriage)

34 Antibiotic Prophylaxis - Choices
1. Rifampin (10 mg/kg orally every 12 hr for a total of 4 doses; maximum dose 600 mg; 5 mg/kg/dose for infants <1 mo of age) 2. Ceftriaxone (125 mg in a single dose IM for children <12 yr of age; 250 mg in a single dose IM for those >12 yr of age 3. Ciprofloxacin (500 mg orally as a single dose; may be given to persons >18 yr of age)

35 Vaccination (approved by FDA)
MCV4 (2005 Jan. 開始臨床使用) --> for 11~55 y/o MPSV4 --> for 2~10 & > 55 y/o 接種時機: 前往流行地區七天前辦理接種 (免疫效果約在接種七天以後產生) 大流行發生時 流行地區: 亞洲地區 沙烏地阿拉伯、尼泊爾、印度、蒙古共和國。       非洲地區 塞內加爾、甘比亞、幾內亞比索、幾內亞、馬利、象牙海岸、布吉納法索、 迦納、多哥、貝南、尼日、奈及利亞、查德、喀麥隆、中非、蘇丹、衣索比 亞、吉布地、索馬利亞、浦隆地、薩伊、盧安達。 [資料來源: 衛生署疾病管制局]

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