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How Classroom Management Impacts Learning On A Daily Basis

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Presentation on theme: "How Classroom Management Impacts Learning On A Daily Basis"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Classroom Management Impacts Learning On A Daily Basis

2 Let’s think of places where there are set rules that we must follow
Think, Pair, Share

3 What happens when there is no structure or rules in a setting?
For Example: At Home Society Sports

4 Chaos!

5 This also applies in the classroom
Chaos! This also applies in the classroom

6 Classroom Management How does Classroom Management Impact Learning on a Daily Basis?? If there is no structure or rules, what are some things that can occur? Think, Pair, Share

7 Classroom Management To aid in classroom management, there must also be a set arrangement in the classroom

8 Positive Guidance U tilizes positive verbal guidance that is respectful towards children, labels and validates children's feelings, and clarifies rules and responsibilities. Gives reasons and explanations to children State rules in positive terms Make requests and give directions in respectful ways. Validate children's feelings Clarify classroom rules and give reasons for the limits

9 Classroom Arrangement
The physical arrangement of furniture and objects within your classroom to promote learning and for effective classroom management

10 Classroom With Centers

11 Classroom With Centers

12 Traditional Row Seating

13 Group Seating

14 Horseshoe Seating

15 Empower enable someone to do something
make someone stronger and more confident, esp. in controlling their life and claiming their rights

16 Motivate provide someone with a motive for doing something
Motive: causing or being the reason for something

17 Draw a sketch of your classroom
On your diagram locate & identify the following: Books & other instructional materials/supplies Dividers w/in the classroom Open area for group activities Computers Wastebaskets Student desks/tables Teacher’s desk Whiteboard Overhead projector & screen Window(s) Doors

18 Draw a sketch of your classroom
Also answer the following questions regarding your classroom: How does your classroom arrangement empower and motivate students to learn? How will your classroom arrangement ensure that learners are learning in a positive environment? How easy is it for learners to access different areas in the classroom?

19 Assertive Discipline teachers establish rules and directions that clearly define the limits of acceptable and unacceptable student behavior, teach these rules and directions, and ask for assistance from parents and/or administrators when support is needed in handling the behavior of students. The underlying goal of assertive discipline is to allow teachers to engage students in the learning process uninterrupted by students’ misbehavior.

20 Classroom Rules & Expectations
Also answer the following questions regarding your classroom: How does your classroom arrangement empower and motivate students to learn? How will your classroom arrangement ensure that learners are learning in a positive environment? How easy is it for learners to access different areas in the classroom?

21 Classroom Procedures Also answer the following questions regarding your classroom: How does your classroom arrangement empower and motivate students to learn? How will your classroom arrangement ensure that learners are learning in a positive environment? How easy is it for learners to access different areas in the classroom?

22 Classroom Scenarios Also answer the following questions regarding your classroom: How does your classroom arrangement empower and motivate students to learn? How will your classroom arrangement ensure that learners are learning in a positive environment? How easy is it for learners to access different areas in the classroom?

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