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Professional Development In Graduate School

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1 Professional Development In Graduate School
Jay McClelland Sept

2 What are your Goals for Graduate School?

3 The Goals of the University
Advance our knowledge and understanding of ourselves and our world and the tools for knowledge discovery Put knowledge into use for the benefit of all Transmit and disseminate these things to others, so that they may continue the process

4 Our Goals for You Prepare you for and launch you on a career as a professional researcher, teacher, applier and citizen of the science of psychology This includes preparing many of you to follow our footsteps as professors at major research universities Give you the knowledge and the skills you need to succeed and to become independent Give you the credentials you will need to secure an outstanding position for yourself after you finish your degree

5 Two Questions What kind of next position do you envision for yourself?
What are the credentials you will need to obtain this kind of position, and which ones are the most important?

6 Activities of a Graduate Student
Course Work Teaching Assistance Citizenship Self-directed reading and skill acquisition Research and research dissemination

7 Departmental Research Requirements
First year paper and informal presentation Conceptual analysis of dissertation area (CADA) Dissertation Proposal Dissertation, Presentation, and Defense Publication is essential to your future, but it is not an explicit requirement of the Ph.D. program

8 The Student-Advisor Relationship: Three Models
Student pursues his own research interest with input from the advisor Student pursues advisor’s research agenda Student and advisor collaborate, pursuing projects of joint interest Evolution over time of the student-advisor relationship

9 Several Suggestions Aim for synergy in all your activities
Discuss goals and assess progress frequently, especially for research but also for other activities Discuss expectations about authorship and contributions to the production of publications Set productivity targets for yourself and monitor your activities to try to achieve them

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