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Occupational Health Working together.

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1 Occupational Health Working together

2 WRHA OHN Scope of Practice
POSITION DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Collaborates with Management and Occupational and Environmental Safety &Health professionals to carry out the objectives of the Occupational Safety &Health services.

3 OHN Scope of Practice Coordinates / provides for the appropriate care, treatment, and follow-up of work related health events based on knowledge of the specific work environment.

4 OHN Scope of Practice Conducts pre-placement health assessments, ongoing health screenings /assessments / evaluations and coordinates follow-up requirements.

5 OHN Scope of Practice Collects and documents new employee health data, including assessment for and administration of immunizations and tuberculin testing as it relates to worker’s job classification. Provides, interprets and documents results of and determines need for medical intervention of TST

6 OHN Scope of Practice Provides work related health counseling / education for employees within the scope of nursing knowledge and practice.

7 OHN Scope of Practice Reviews Workplace Injury / Near Miss reports and provides initial assessment for work-related injuries and illnesses. Determines need for medical intervention or counseling in management of care and provides / refers for necessary further evaluation.

8 OHN Scope of Practice Collaborates with the case management team to design and implement individual return to work planning. Assesses employee’s ability to do regular job duties or job modifications in conjunction with external healthcare provider(s).

9 OHN Scope of Practice Coordinates, conducts and delivers health surveillance and immunization programs to prevent the contraction of communicable diseases and the development of work related health problems in the workplace.

10 OHN Scope of Practice Facilitates health promotion by providing health services to all Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) employees and specific groups associated with the WRHA (i.e. volunteers and contract staff). Health services provided include but are not limited to the following primary care i.e. assessment of health issues,

11 OHN Scope of Practice referrals to emergency services, counseling and referrals, (EAP programs). Provides a triage role in working with EAP (i.e. CISM). Determines worker’s need for respiratory fit testing. Collaborates and / or coordinates and / or delivers the respiratory fit testing program.

12 Occupational Health and IP&C working together
IP&C- is responsible to look after the Client centered concerns in Health Care Occupational Health is responsible to look after the Employee centered concerns in Health Care Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined Each program has appropriate Physician support

13 Occupational Health and IP&C working together
Collaboration and communication is the backbone of the relationship between our programs. Together we manage exposures and outbreaks OHN attends the IP&C committee meetings

14 Occupational Health and IP&C working together
We share a communication tool called IP&C and OESH exposure report This form is the notification from one side to the either that an exposure has been suspected or confirmed. This form allows for a quick response from both groups

15 In Conclusion Each program has a different focus but the desired end result is the same-to keep those within Healthcare safe

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