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What to Know Before You Go

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Presentation on theme: "What to Know Before You Go"— Presentation transcript:

1 What to Know Before You Go
Your guide to housing before and after your studies abroad Office of Housing Services

2 Cancel Your Current Assignment
If you have a fall housing assignment, you need to submit the Housing Cancellation Form Easy online form: You will receive confirmation and check-out instructions via You will need to check-out of your current assignment before leaving for break at the completion of the Fall 2017 semester. Deadline is November 15th You will not be charged the $500 Cancellation Fee if you cancel by November 15th

3 Step #2: Fall 2018 Housing Materials
Submit your Room Selection materials Intent Form (online through MyHousing) $500 deposit Deadline: February 9, 2018

4 Step #3: Stay Connected Check your CUA email address for information
Get answers to your questions: Website – Phone – (202) Facebook & Twitter

5 Step #4: Room Selection 2018-19
Participate in Room Selection during your assigned lottery date and time Form your roommate group Agree to the Residence Hall and Dining Services Agreement (part of the online application) Select your dining plan (if applicable) Choose your on campus assignment

6 Action Items for Housing
Cancel your current assignment for the Spring semester by no later than November 15th Submit your Room Selection materials by no later than February 9th Stay connected and up to date on Room Selection information Participate in Room Selection during your assigned date and time

7 Questions?

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