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All photos taken from google images.

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Presentation on theme: "All photos taken from google images."— Presentation transcript:

1 All photos taken from google images.
The Watsons go to Birmingham – by Christopher paul Curtis chapters 9-11 All photos taken from google images.

2 Temptations—things that entice people, usually to do something they shouldn’t do

3 Responsible—answerable or accountable for something within one’s control, power, or management

4 Eavesdropped—listened secretly to a private conversation

5 Encouraged—stimulated by assistance or approval

6 Seniority—priority or status gained as a result of a person’s age or length of employment

7 Gagged—caused to retch or choke

8 Sanitation—development and use of measures to maintain cleanliness and protect the public health

9 Facilities—something designed or built to serve a specific purpose, i
Facilities—something designed or built to serve a specific purpose, i.e., a toilet

10 Sea level—the plane or level corresponding to the surface of the ocean

11 Moaned—complained in a prolonged, low sound

12 Pathetic—causing or evoking sympathetic pity, sadness, or sorrow

13 Whimpers—cries with low, broken sounds

14 Blubbering—weeping noisily without restraint

15 Shuffled—walked without lifting the feet

16 Puny—of less than normal size and strength; weak

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